Both the globe and flat earth models of the world have been proven wrong.
It is time to move on and discover the truth of our the place we call home.
Evidence points to Earth actually is 4D.
Just amazing watching the days pass 12h day and 12night and on and on..... to the point it is a 4D horseshoe type torus, like the poles together but not connected. (23 June version, 6 months later the north outside and south inside)
Any 2:1 ratio map is correct like the NATO military grid (for a square inside a square, crossing parallel lines are needed) or this high res (16200x8100) this Pink line center of magnet / location of Sun, Yellow Suns path crossing at 8.5° and may reach and equator alignment. (longitudinal just any place) with the center-line of earths magnet and photographic evidence of earths path in a year and Fauna north and south is extremely different. 60° north is some of the greenest places on earth and south of 60° not much else than penguins can be found. Even Greenland is home to flowering plants and large and small mammals. Muskox can be found as far north as land extents north.
Earths axis tilt can explain such differences with the suns suppose 150 million km distance to earth. Only earths magnet location can account for this. The Suns permanent location at geographic north 8,5° North (middle of the magnet, 81°NorthMP, 64°SouthMP) The maximum reach of the “spot light” from Tropic of Cancer to Tropic of Capricorn and center of direct radiant heat at Equator coming from 8.5°N always.
Highest tides in the world happening North and South at about 45°- 60° latitude twice a day ( every 740,5 minutes, one lunar full cycle 24h and 41min)
Moon acts like electric “bridge” and has most effect on that location because of the orbital path around earth.
Stronger with salt water as fresh water because higher electric conductivity with "impure" water (5 Siemens per Meter vs 0.005 – 0.05 S/m for drinking water) Richard E. Byrd "discovering" Greenland flying form Antarctica. "an area as big as US"
Also of interest:
The universe, sky, 45° "top down" view on the air bubble. Inside is home sweet home.
Blue line earths yearly path (and most planets, Pluto on big bulge)
Gold line moon path around earth and Red north star, Polaris. flat view of sky miles and km on 4D flat square earth hour intervals of a day six months later south inside, sun right "above" tropic of Capricorn and 8.5°N of the Geomagnetic poles (Aurora Australis or Aurora Borealis) evidence of one full moon cycle needle follows magnetic flux line around until (geo)magnetic south and also the generated heat. (like sog,wind..)
Day "inside", Night "outside"
"Gravity" 9.81m/s/s (35.316km/h 21.944mph) 35.316 * 24 = 847,584km (526.66miles) is just the continues move forward.
309580,056 km per year (circumference).
Kola Super Deep Bore Hole, Deepest Hole ever drilled by man, interesting geological anomalies were found, Temperatures reached 180 °C (356° F) World within the universe, same principal, "air-locked" in a smaller version than our world. A ("blue marple") nice painting,
Model B (oblate spheroid) does have correct distances and proven every second of every day by people traveling but thats it, disproven over 100 times, lining up 3 mountain tops, no calculation for curve ever in the longest bridges or anything, highest tides happening opposite ends at ~50°, airplane not continuous tipping down once gyro is set it stays in position, north south completely different climates at same latitude, any ship "disappearing" will come back with stronger binoculars, ..................... in progress