the last part is relatively simple assurance. Don't reuse an address.
Mm, no good.
See, when you spend from the address, your public key is exposed, but the spend isn't yet committed to the ledger. An attacker will have about a 5-minute window to crack your public key and double-spend your coins (and if they make the window, they're more likely to get into the ledger than you, because they can afford to lose most of the money in transaction fees - you're the one footing the bill, after all). What's worse, they have the ability to attempt a double-spend against
every such transaction - against every unconfirmed transaction on the network.
Only way around it is if miners stopped taking transactions from the network, and instead switched to a model where you submit your spends to your favorite (trusted!) pools directly.
And just like that, Bitcoin loses its trust-free property - which was the whole point from the beginning.
Your assumption is that you can break a 256 bit key in 5 minutes, can do so economically even with relatively small sums. If possible (and that certainly is not certain) a limited trust model could be used only transitionally.
Say one has a large sum of Bitcoins at addresses with an unknown (to the attacker) public keys. The protocol could be expanded to include new address types which are resistant to QC. However how does one transfer to the new address.
Well it could be:
a) ultra paranoid - mine a transaction myself in secret or under contract.
b) send directly to a miner I trust
c) send as multiple transactions each emptying a single address under the assumption that it is not possible or economical to break a 256 bit key in the time to create the next block.*
* On c if one has 10,000 BTC at a single address it may warrant a real-time attack. However if one has 10,000 BTC spread across 1,000 addresses one could transfer funds more securely one transaction at a time. An attacker would reveal their intent AND capabilities irrevocably at a loss of only 0.1% of total value.
Nobody said lack of reuse was a magical bullet but combined with the limited attack opportunity, the cost of an attack, and the ability to design more secure addresses NOT reusing an address at least gives one the option to transfer the funds securely or control the risk of a transfer.