You know what that article on jezebel says? It talks about romantic attraction, not sexual. Sexual attraction defines you sexuality no matter how you look at it, and every single study done on female sexuality shows there there is No such thing as a straight woman. Want to test it yourself? Get your mother, daughter, aunt, whatever, to go to sexologist and have their arousal "rate" taken while watching lesbian porn. Wake up and smell the coffee body, because over 50% of people on this earth are Bisexual. Dr Meredith Chivers identifies as a "straight woman" romantically, she has a husband. So stop lying please, you seem all the more childish and pathetic. In fact, did I type correcty? Every single study done on female arousal since the Kinsey era in the 1960s shows that all biological women are bisexual. Not just Dr Chivers, every one. Take a quick google or read a few books, it'll help you.
The studies don't show women are lesbians, they show that women are not sexually attracted to males physically, but they are very sexually attracted to other women physically. This means on a sexual level, they are bisexual.
All those religions that talk against homosexuality are wrong, or has a evil god who seeks to suppress the true sexuality of females, and that's been confirmed by science.
Knowing full well you won't believe this, I simply am going to post this as an alternative reasoning for the skewed results. This also shows that Christians should be tolerant of those who sin (no matter what the sin), and
pray for them. Not hurt them (physically or emotionally) for sinning.
From Archives of Sexual Behavior, VoL 6, No. 5, 1977 case features a man, who felt he should be a women. Psychiatrists had him dressing up as a women during the day to see if that went well, and acting like a woman. They got to the point they said he should have the surgery to fully become a woman.
"The physician shared with the owner of the restaurant a fundamental Protestant religion quite foreign to John, who had been brought up as a Baptist but was not religious. The physician administered a total physical exam and said that he could live quite well as a woman, but the real problem was possession by evil spirits. After some discussion of this, John reported a session which lasted 2-3 hr and involved exhortations and prayers over John by the physician and laying on a hands on John's head and shoulders. During this period, John reported fainting several times and arising to the continuing of the prayers and exhortations, resulting in the exorcism of 22 evil spirits which the physician called by name as they left his body. During and after this session John felt waves of God's love coming over him but was physically drained. A letter to us, from the physician, confirmed this basic process. The physician noted in his letter that he showed John that his life was a fake and that Jesus could redeem him and that a standard prescription of Scripture readings caused the spirit of the woman in John to disappear.
Immediately after the session John announced he was a man, discarded his female clothes (hiding his breasts as best he could), and went to the barber shop to have his long hair cut into his current short, masculine style. After this session John returned home and live with his mother for approximately 2 weeks but remembers the beginning of some doubts about his conversion and the reoccurrence of some feminine feelings. At this point he accompained his employer to services of a very well-known faith healer in another state where the miracles that he saw renewed his faith and reaffirmed the correctness of his decision. After waiting 3 hr in line, he confronted the healer who told the patient that he was having sexual problems (having perhaps seen his breasts?) and began the healing process, including praying and laying on of hands once again. During this period, which John estimated as 10 or 15 min, he fainted, regained consciousness, fainted again, and, as he stood to step off the platform down into the audience, realized that his breasts were gone."Then there are some charts showing his gender reversal scores.
" Examination revealed no residual gynecomastia, although the interval of time between cessation of hormonal therapy and examination was adequate for this "shrinkage" to occur naturally.
He started dating several months later, and at the last interview in December 1975 reported that he had dated approximately ten gifts intermittently but had dated one girl for an extended period of time. He reported some sexual arousal toward these girls but did not masturbate, nor did he consider sexual intercourse, because of his religious beliefs. He did admit having some sexual thoughts of males for several months after returning from his faith healing, but attributed these to the Devil and has not had thoughts of men for almost 2 years. He continued to do extremely well in his job, benefiting from- several promotions, and was looking forward to getting married."