So people buy a lot of these books and sell it on ebay like i see for very nice prices.
About 4-5 times higher than the original price.
This book couldnt be reprinted because the copyright holder didnt allowed it.
Every original could be shared, sold or bought without problems.
In 2016 the 70 years copyright duration ended and everyone can reprint it now.
The alt right dudes are going nuts again for nothing.
Explain me where you get that "fact" from?
The 2016 reprint is full of additional infos and comments.
Isnt it rather logical people bought it as a mean of historical research?
Else you would just buy the original or download it from the internet if you are a wannabe nazi.
But don't know if the "nazi" idea will come back.
I think it will take another form. They won't wake up the monster, they'll just create a new one.
I agree here.
Today you cant say far right = nazis anymore. We have people from all colors and ethnicities saying from themself that they are far right/alt-right. From slaves over blacks to jews and asians.