Username | Number |
nino | 5733,5744,5766,5788,6877,6855,6811 |
Marceline | 6666,7000,5733,6788,5988,6988,6011 |
GxSTxV | 6999,5799,5833,6122 |
Jating | 7888,6888,6744,6711,6799,6722,6755 |
iWoodie | 6000,5899,6022,6011,6033,6733,6944 |
Nachos | 5977 |
bitzizzix _10 | 5755,5866,6211,6244,5799,6955,6988 |
Paid22 | 6877,6022,6344,6977 |
Whatever | 6355,6377,6388 |
AlwaysWin | 5677 |
Ambatman | 7899 |
microscript | 6333 |
Well working on my BB code skill and felt like making a table to know numbers picked and by who. The list tries to follow only the numbers that's closely related to the format given by Bombard at the first page.
If it's hard still finding numbers used from the compilation you can use the search engine at the top right corner.
I believe that would be easier.
Turns out BTT doesn't accept the code
[pipes] [/pipes]
My first guess
Number :7899