
Topic: 95% of Bounties Are Bullshit For Everyone Involved - page 4. (Read 1675 times)

full member
Activity: 728
Merit: 104
I join the people who say that this is a very high percentage, it seems to me that the level of scam projects today has certainly grown compared to what it was in 2017, but still today there are so many projects that are still being invested
copper member
Activity: 232
Merit: 10
To participate in any bounty, a bounty hunter need at least Jr.Member rank- this rule can be imposed in every bounty then bounty hunters will be aware about rules and regulations. But present market situation is so bad that most of the bounties don't pay, if they pay, the bounty amount is so less that that cann't be transferred by giving Gas fees.
sr. member
Activity: 2254
Merit: 258
They should allocate more on article and blog campaign because it's the one that is too time-consuming and can fully explain what the ICO is all about, another campaign that should have more allocation is the signature campaign because of this forum has a lot of investors visitors.
jr. member
Activity: 182
Merit: 1
Justice as a Service Infrastructure
Of course all subscribers are wound up in all social networks, I also agree here and I do not know how much it benefits . and why their put a in bounty
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1037
Bounty hunters have become so useless that they now offer an ICO nothing. All their Facebook friends, Twitter followers, YouTube subscribers, whatever -- its all fake numbers and they always do the bare minimum to promote an ICO. Even ranks on this forum are faked. Merits are bought and sold, accounts can be farmed, purchased, for absolutely no purpose other than to spam this forum with useless information.

And what kind of traffic do they end up driving to an ICO website? Almost nothing. Most bounty campaigns literally have more participants than they will ever receive hits to their website, meaning the average traffic driven to a website by today's bounty hunter is less than 1 visit per month. Again, its because of all the fudged numbers. Everything is faked, nothing is real. There is no quality control whatsoever.

I really don't understand why anybody does social media bounty campaigns any more. Translations, graphic designers, website builders, app developers -- those are the real bounty hunters. Social media bounty hunters are just scum sucking parasites. They root through garbage trying to collect digital specs of nothing, leaving a trail of trash behind them.

Nobody wants to learn a thing about anything -- they just want "free money" as easily as possible, which usually ends up being worthless anyway. Would most of you just be sitting around doing nothing if you didn't consider this to be a means of "employment"? My guess is the answer is "yes." Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Yet people are working for that other 5%. There has been people who have made thousands of dollars just from bounties thanks to being part of a good one. If you are part of a good bounty than all other 95% becomes not important, all you need is that 5%.

I can be part of 20 different bounties and most of them may yield almost nothing for me but if I can struck gold with just one of them than all of my effort is paid. Since I can't exactly know which one will be paying me a lot of money I have to settle with the fact that I apply to all of them I can and just try to hope.

If I knew which one would profit me the most than I wouldn't need the bounty I would just get in the ICO and make money that way. No one gets into bounties thinking all of them will make them rich, they just hope they struck gold once.
sr. member
Activity: 602
Merit: 252
I can not fully agree with this statement. There are many types of bounty that are useless - these include twitter, facebook, I think so. But there are very useful and high-quality ones - for example, content creation bounty - this is really in demand.
Activity: 448
Merit: 10
I'm agree with you, 95% bounties are scam and doesn't pay for hardwork and that ICO project makes whole market down. This year, we all know is the bad year for cryptocurrency world, because of scam ICO project and it will effect not only market, even bounties also. But the best truth is that now all the people have come to know about it.
sr. member
Activity: 686
Merit: 250
As for me, the demand corresponds to the supply. If there were not so much garbage in the ICO, there would not be so many bounty hunters here who do not even try to write at least one worthwhile comment per week...
Activity: 174
Merit: 35
I just don't understand why ICOs continue to employ bounty hunters. Do they not know how to read website analytics? Having to crush the price of your coin or token by handing them out like candy to useless bounty hunters - who immediately dump said coin the second they get it - makes no economic sense.

Some Users here in forum participates in bounty campaign not to make it as their job or depend on it, but to promote the campaigns project which they see to be a good one, hence paying their participation and prpmotion after all. With that perspective, bounty hunters are just mere part time job workers working for a single penny over their efforts for a project. But you can't just blame only the bounty participants, you must also see the side of scam ICOs which is spreading nowadays with their fake team yet having a good platform or intention.
Activity: 238
Merit: 10
hmm, there's no free money. so I don't think doing bounties equal to want free money though.
human is just so greedy, so there's always some trick to cheat the system, even there isn't merit system, must be other way to cheat more.
so I don't think it's the problem we can handle
Activity: 560
Merit: 16
Congratulations, dude, you finally understand how it all works ... The problem of low quality work of bounty hunters exists and of course it must be dealt with, but you need to pay attention to the same disgusting quality of the projects that hire those bounty hunters. Fake "blockchain developers" hire fake "promoters" to advertise them and pay them with fake tokens ... Unfortunately, that’s how it is now and we have a lot of work ahead to change it  Sad
Activity: 206
Merit: 11
Bounty projects will still start climbing very soon, so I would probably take part in all projects that today have a value, at least a small value, so that we can work with it in the end, I am sure that the bulls will come to the market.

Yes, I agree.
At present most of the bounties only promise big gifts but when entering the market prices will fall and we only get very little profit, beyond our expectations.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoin, ICO, Market / Exchange and bounty is an interconnected circulation. If Bitcoin improves I think everything will start to improve, for now I just keep trying to follow a lot of bounties because we don't know which projects are going to the moon.
full member
Activity: 602
Merit: 100
I think that a solution can be found in some new bounty campaigns where is required an engagement meter too so that only posts with certain likes/share are rewarded.
sr. member
Activity: 1358
Merit: 261
I think that is what is really happening through the bounties, most Bounty Campaigns will say that they are tracking your followers and say all of this stuff, but in the mere fact that a lot of people in the forum are getting away, lots of people involved in the Bounty are having multiple accounts, just for the sake of the ICO, and on the other side is that you've invested in your hardwork and time doing these campaigns and then you ended getting none because they made you think of how legitimate they are but ending being fake and getting scammed, its really hard finding a legitimate Bounty nowadays.
jr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 1
Bounty hunters have become so useless that they now offer an ICO nothing. All their Facebook friends, Twitter followers, YouTube subscribers, whatever -- its all fake numbers and they always do the bare minimum to promote an ICO. Even ranks on this forum are faked. Merits are bought and sold, accounts can be farmed, purchased, for absolutely no purpose other than to spam this forum with useless information.

And what kind of traffic do they end up driving to an ICO website? Almost nothing. Most bounty campaigns literally have more participants than they will ever receive hits to their website, meaning the average traffic driven to a website by today's bounty hunter is less than 1 visit per month. Again, its because of all the fudged numbers. Everything is faked, nothing is real. There is no quality control whatsoever.

I really don't understand why anybody does social media bounty campaigns any more. Translations, graphic designers, website builders, app developers -- those are the real bounty hunters. Social media bounty hunters are just scum sucking parasites. They root through garbage trying to collect digital specs of nothing, leaving a trail of trash behind them.

Nobody wants to learn a thing about anything -- they just want "free money" as easily as possible, which usually ends up being worthless anyway. Would most of you just be sitting around doing nothing if you didn't consider this to be a means of "employment"? My guess is the answer is "yes." Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

 Grin LOl Grin  You do not understand nothing in the advertising business. First for the company it is free. Why do you ask? Yes, because not all companies go public. Subject to scammers. Secondly 5000 people X 5 posts per week. 25,000 free posts.
copper member
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
But initially does not understand normal bounty company or a Scam. It becomes clear on the attitude of bounty managers. And in General, there are also sites where you can learn more and read reviews

Too many scams. I think it will be somewhere 70+ percent. But it's not 95. Everyone not everything is calculated at once.
Again, sources can be unreliable. Here suggest you a good friend of the ico and it has paid off, put all right, you win. And on the next ico already framed. Because you have to think with your head first of all
copper member
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
But initially does not understand normal bounty company or a Scam. It becomes clear on the attitude of bounty managers. And in General, there are also sites where you can learn more and read reviews

Too many scams. I think it will be somewhere 70+ percent. But it's not 95. Everyone not everything is calculated at once.
full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 100
it’s too big a percentage, in fact it seems to me that such a large number of projects really cannot be scam projects, I just don’t believe it, because if this is the case, then, unfortunately, collapse awaits us
Activity: 322
Merit: 10
Bounty hunters have become so useless that they now offer an ICO nothing. All their Facebook friends, Twitter followers, YouTube subscribers, whatever -- its all fake numbers and they always do the bare minimum to promote an ICO. Even ranks on this forum are faked. Merits are bought and sold, accounts can be farmed, purchased, for absolutely no purpose other than to spam this forum with useless information.

And what kind of traffic do they end up driving to an ICO website? Almost nothing. Most bounty campaigns literally have more participants than they will ever receive hits to their website, meaning the average traffic driven to a website by today's bounty hunter is less than 1 visit per month. Again, its because of all the fudged numbers. Everything is faked, nothing is real. There is no quality control whatsoever.

I really don't understand why anybody does social media bounty campaigns any more. Translations, graphic designers, website builders, app developers -- those are the real bounty hunters. Social media bounty hunters are just scum sucking parasites. They root through garbage trying to collect digital specs of nothing, leaving a trail of trash behind them.

Nobody wants to learn a thing about anything -- they just want "free money" as easily as possible, which usually ends up being worthless anyway. Would most of you just be sitting around doing nothing if you didn't consider this to be a means of "employment"? My guess is the answer is "yes." Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

if regulation does not come to the closest time to the main airdrop event will be turned into this job. so much effort is spent. The figures taken in return are almost the same as the airdrop figures.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
The Premier Digital Asset Management Ecosystem
But initially does not understand normal bounty company or a Scam. It becomes clear on the attitude of bounty managers. And in General, there are also sites where you can learn more and read reviews
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