To be honest a lot of people will want to own their business but if you check the statistics of SMEs that have been folding up in recent times youll have a rethink as to the option to select... owning a business is by far the best option but i will have to be determined to put on the discipline, commitment and consistency required to build that business becuase its advantage is enormous..... thers no employee in the list of the richest people in the world... being n employee also limits your skills to be focused on only what your employer wants and theres little room for growth... but if i do my personal business im at liberty to expand the frontiers, make more money and even become an eployer of labour. the later is better for me
most of the time people lack the dare to start their business and talking about it - - many a time family and friend disheart them so much that they lose interest in their work.
Life is not the same always - some people start living their dream late - I am one of those variety.
You would really be hesitating due to these factors;
1. Doesnt have enough capital
2. You dont have idea on where you would be starting
3. You would needing to find out on where you do specialize at.
4. Afraid on taking up the risk
If you are really that determine on changing up your life in terms of financial then it is really that a common path for you to take and if you do like to play on the safer side
then you would opt in not to make any movement at all which most people would be prefering and to those who had tried at least could really be having the chance
on making their lives better in terms of finances which we do all hope or trying to attain.