We have had the pleasure of not only creating, but also testing at length the newest evolution of our Mining Systems - Chrysolite Mine.
Chrysolite Mine has been under construction for some time now, which has had a number of changes since its inception. In fact, being based on uNOMP Mining Pool, one of the main developers of the original uNOMP Mining Pool is now one of the main Developers of Chrysolite Mine as it stands today, and also one of the main contributors to this line of Mining Systems for CWI. As part of theTEAM, he has played an integral role in making Chrysolite Mine come to life, and his tireless work thus far has maintained the stability and steadfastness of Chrysolite Mine, as well as it's brute power.
Chrysolite Mine is still placed in Beta, as we are refining and adding to it, more than just looking and ironing bugs that still exist, so that Chrysolite Mine becomes a better mining experience for all who use our service.
The Specifications are set out below, so please not only trial, but use Chrysolite Mine extensively. The Coins and Algorithms that are chosen will be a continuous addition to Chrysolite Mine. For any recommendations to what Coin and Algorithm additions you would like to mine here, please post or PM.
Chrysolite Mine Specifications ...
- URL/Address -
http://chrysolite.chainworksindustries.com/- uNOMP based with CWI specific changes and backend developments.
- Non-Registration Mining.
- MultiAlgo and MultiCoin.
- Mine Fee is 0.3% static for all Coins and Algorithms.
Algorithms/Coins currently active are ...
- granite GRN
- OzzieCoin OZC
- InfluxCoin INFX
- BernCash BERN
- SweepStakeCoin SWEEP is still in devAlpha level and is not functional, so please do not use for the moment. It is merely there for developmental purposes while we create and move it to the DevMine System.
Please check the 'Getting Started' Menu Item BEFORE you setup your miners for the correct Stratum and Ports. This is crucial.
Many more additions will be forthcoming, especially if we can add your preference/recommended coins to Chrysolite Mine. Please let us know what you think, and what experiences you have with Chrysolite, as we are aiming Chrysolite Mine to be our main HiCap Mine (High Capacity Mine). This can only be achieved with your cooperation and help.
We hope you enjoy using Chrysolite Mine!