### A ChainWorks Industries (CWI) Project - Pyroxene (theMINE) | CWI-MINT Logos
NEW CWI Pool System - Pyroxene (theMINE)
A ChainWorks Industries (CWI) Project - Pyroxene (theMINE)
Pyroxene is the name given to the NEW CWI-Pool system (theMINE).
We have been working on this particular rebuild for some time now, and have been testing the new hardware/software platform extensively, with excellent results in stability, availability, and expandability.
Pyroxene (theMINE) is still utilizing the trusted and much loved MPOS frontend, with a few CWI tweaks, for the foreseeable future. The backend is based on a rock solid Linux Operating System, with our very own and very stable Python based Stratum we call Obsidian (theSTRATUM). With multiple servers playing their own unique part in the backend, the platform is designed to be as expandable as it needs to be. This not only allows expansion in all parts of the infrastructure, but is also designed to become part of the massive project of the HPC Platform - theGRID (codenamed ENIGMA) which we are designing to start building next year.
Pyroxene (theMINE) has been built to have one of the most cohesive communication systems in the backend, so that data is transferred at lightning speed, with very little overhead on the Server level, as well as between servers.
The CWI-MINT project (codenamed Logos) encompasses all the mining, and related projects in one department. These SubDivisions include CWIgm (theMINER), Obsidian (theSTRATUM), and of course Pyroxene (theMINE).
Pyroxene is a Work In Progess and as such will continue to develop and expand as it grows into a much more mature platform throughout this year and into the future. Our goal here at CWI is to build a mining system so stable and resilient, that it will cater for almost ALL miners of ALL sizes. From the small CPU Miners to the Largest Farms and Rental systems, Pyroxene (theMINE) is being designed to handle ANY hash power you can direct at it. Further, the type of pools will grow from just MPOS alone, to various others, with development into our own Non-Registration system currently in the works.
Diversity of PoW coins to mine are all part of the build, as well as the eventual decentralization of Obsidian (theSTRATUM), so that miners worldwide can mine to the Stratum with the lowest latency. Much more is in store for Pyroxene (theMINE) and we will continue to work extensively as Pyroxene (theMINE) grows, ensuring that we iron out ANY issues that may arise. Coin issues will occur from time to time, as we have experienced a few times previously, so we will do what we can to ensure complete cooperation with the Coin Developers so that the coins we choose for inclusion here in Pyroxene (theMINE), are as stable as the Coins Development Team can make them.
All the current coins to be mined on Pyroxene thus far are located here -
http://pyroxene.chainworksindustries.com/As this list of coins continues to grow this year and into the future, the suggestions of coins for addition will still be very welcome, and we will research all suggestions put forward, as well as our own Coins Of Choice.
We hope you have a smooth and seamless experience using Pyroxene, and most of all NJOI and have a great time mining.
To reach us at ChainWorks Industries (CWI)Website:
http://chainworksindustries.com/Email Direct:
[email protected]CWI-Slack -
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