What people actually need is basic education that prepares them for a particular field they will have to venture into and not another four to five years in the higher institution that ends up becoming unprofitable because you end up learning nothing during those number of years and after coming out of the university thier is no guarantee at all that you are going to be gainfully employed. The once that end up being employed are paid peanuts as though all the effort they had put in to study the course is worthless.
A sad reality, as even if you spend 4–5 years on your education, there's no assurance, as competitions are really tough, you need to have an extra edge against your fellow graduates, in terms of preparation, curriculum that will help you to better understand whatever field you think you are fit will do, as we can see the opportunities nowadays, it's more on technology and having said, focusing your attention to what part of the technology might be fit for you will be the best course that will help you to be a competitive once you finish your education,
Not an easy task though, as you need to look for your interest in order to have that focus and, aside from taking the course, the enjoyment of learning and the application of your course will give you a better overview of what job you'll be going to take after finishing your course.