So the High Fidelity (Philip Rosedale -- the creator of Second Life -- this is his current project) codebase has the following:
void Application::domainSettingsReceived(const QJsonObject& domainSettingsObject) {
// from the domain-handler, figure out the satoshi cost per voxel and per meter cubed
const QString VOXEL_SETTINGS_KEY = "voxels";
const QString PER_VOXEL_COST_KEY = "per-voxel-credits";
const QString PER_METER_CUBED_COST_KEY = "per-meter-cubed-credits";
const QString VOXEL_WALLET_UUID = "voxel-wallet";
const QJsonObject& voxelObject = domainSettingsObject[VOXEL_SETTINGS_KEY].toObject();
qint64 satoshisPerVoxel = 0;
qint64 satoshisPerMeterCubed = 0;
QUuid voxelWalletUUID;
if (!domainSettingsObject.isEmpty()) {
float perVoxelCredits = (float) voxelObject[PER_VOXEL_COST_KEY].toDouble();
float perMeterCubedCredits = (float) voxelObject[PER_METER_CUBED_COST_KEY].toDouble();
satoshisPerVoxel = (qint64) floorf(perVoxelCredits * SATOSHIS_PER_CREDIT);
satoshisPerMeterCubed = (qint64) floorf(perMeterCubedCredits * SATOSHIS_PER_CREDIT);
voxelWalletUUID = QUuid(voxelObject[VOXEL_WALLET_UUID].toString());
qCDebug(interfaceapp) << "Octree edits costs are" << satoshisPerVoxel << "per octree cell and" << satoshisPerMeterCubed << "per meter cubed";
qCDebug(interfaceapp) << "Destination wallet UUID for edit payments is" << voxelWalletUUID;
Fascinating. Inferring from what I know of Second Life, it looks like they are planning on including a per-primitive cost on each rezzed object, and each volume of virtual space instantiated, denoted in satoshis per.