Okay! Lets be honest on here.I do feel sorry on the situation you are into and now you've come back telling that you had a thyroid cancer.Can you at least show up some proofs rather than on verbal things?
Im not really that emotionless when it comes to real life situation but im somewhat done when it comes to alibis for most noobs out there just trying to make up some stories just to get some sympathy
and might able to get some donations because they've fooled out other people on this kind of way.
In any case if this was indeed true then better to confess out your mistake into your father before its too late..Dont make that problem would be dragged down until you pass out..
Money can still be earned and problems can be solved yet you do still have your family to support you no matter what.
As I stated in my update. I dont expect anything. I am leaving my address in hope, nothing more. Someone today sent me a small gesture and that little gesture alone filled my heart. I cant explain what this position feels like. I've never had many things come at me in a single go but what that person sent me lifted my spirits for a moment.
Thank you for your advice on handling this with my father. Honestly, each word and persons opinion on that situation is valuable information to me on getting my head right to tell him.
All i have on me right now is a letter to my employer from my doctor stating why I can not work given my condition. I have blocked personal info but the context needed to verify my position is in it.
Sorry you feel this way, it is understandable given the nature of this space and past histories with others but I do not have in my intention to scam anyone.