Islam is a false religion, yet there are a billion of those vermin who think otherwise. Shows how much rank stupidity there is in the world. Unfortunately, jihadists are the true Muslims. Islam was violent from the beginning. They have never known peace, don't want it and shouldn't get anything but war. Read anything by Robert Spencer if you think otherwise. Fully documented
This deserves an answer. I believe my take on the matter is that religions were/art sort of "groups of cultural traditions" which maximize survival possibilities. Hence, they say things like no pork, maximize baby production so as to get the most footsoldiers and farmers, etc. In most such groups there are sections that call for and justify war and actions of war. These lie latent until conditions require they be focused on, then they are.
The existence of such things in religions of today is expected because they survived to today.
I do not think these comments refute yours, maybe they stand alongside of yours. Regardless, I have worked with various guys who grew up in the Muslim tradition, no idea if they took the stuff seriously - I suspect no more than most of us do ours. They were stand up guys.