Butaleja is a town in Uganda, according to the news, a resident district commissioner orders all the gambling agent to remove their machine and stop operating and the reason for that is to tackle the surge in thefts and crimes that is linked to gambling.
These gambling agents or operators are just concerned about growing their business and making profit from gamblers losses. Do you guys think that they are the root cause of the problem and it was right for the commissioner to stop them first?
I am not sure if I can answer your question, especially since I am not a citizen of the country we are discussing in this thread. But usually criminal cases occur due to weak systems and laws in a region or country. In the case of your thread, there is a "spike" in theft and crime. Local authorities or law enforcement officials should be able to take action against criminal acts. However, if it is associated with gambling, casinos or gambling agents, the answer could be that things like this are the root cause. However, all of this must be supported by evidence and data, if gambling is the root cause of the problems that occur in the country concerned. Amazingly, a commissioner is involved in stopping or eliminating gambling agents, I am worried if there is political involvement. However, whatever it is, I cannot give a value, response or answer to your question. After all, criminal or criminal acts will always exist whatever the root cause, especially if there is an opportunity. In several developed countries that legalize gambling, it seems that acts that are criminal or cases of theft are not that large in percentage. So, I think this is a problem with human resources itself. However, the answers to this thread are more specifically aimed at people in the countries concerned.