I'll explain it for normal people first:
- This sect advocates programmers to rule their society, because they'll write the software that would rule everything (even the political process). Of course, that is insane.
Ehmmm, no, no, and no. I don't know what you have read or who did you talk to, but that is not what TZM advocates.
If you want to believe that other people believe weird shit and then try to make fun of those imaginary people you are free to do so, but it doesn't make it real.
Now I'll explain it for cult followers:
- No software can THINK.
In the way
you think, but it can certainly think in other ways. In some respect, much better than you can. But I'm guessing what you really mean is that machines don't pass the turing test, which I already explained how that is irrelevant for the sake of the argument.
- Those who write the software control the software.
Yes, and no. Do you have any idea how, say, Firefox or Drupal are developed?
- The Venus Project advocates replacing every political process (and engineers, doctors etc) with AI software.
For the
third time:
TVP != TZM. So, stop associating the two. Venus Project bla bla bla, therefore TZM... is a non sequitur.
- Open/Free Software does not mean that the process in creating new software versions is democratic. At all. Not even close.
In fact, nowhere it's said the process should be democratic. It should a rational consensus based on scientific evidence, which is a completely different thing.
Look, it's really simple. If you needed to get you appendix taken out, would you hold a democratic vote, or would you ask various specialists and see if they agree or not?
Again, the problem is culture. As free, relevant education is given access to, more and more people will become knowledgeable and capable of understanding what's going on. As I already said, TZM promotes culture, not ignorance.
- Even creating some kind of "parliament" to control the software development would make no sense.
You propose nonsense, and then you say it's nonsense. Brilliant.
- Therefore the Venus Project's advocating a meritocracy, a dictatorship, an aristocracy or a mix of those terms.
For the
fourth time:
TVP != TZM. So, stop associating the two. Venus Project bla bla bla, therefore TZM... is a non sequitur.