For it to happen a majority of the population would have to want it, There would always be people that don't want it, Like the rich that have a lot to lose and they would of course protest and lobby against the RBE until the day the died.
Trust me on this: you don't want it either.
Ok, answer this: Who owns "Starship Enterprise"? Kirk? Ohh it's the "federation". How do they make Kirk wake up every day and go to work. How about thousands of people aboard Enterprise, why do they show up for work? Ahh I see they are in the Army, so not showing up for work is not an option.
This idea is mostly theoretical of course, It's never been tried anywhere.
The only way i see it happening is if we finally exhaust the monetary based systems, This will happen eventually because all monetary based system require infinite growth to survive, The whole infinite growth thing is kinda hard to do on a planet with finite land mass.
Monetary system has nothing to do with infinite growth. You could have one or the other or both or... none. And yes experiments of this type have been going on all the time. Try North Korea for a start.
But you see thing is: even in North Korea you can pay someone to do something for you. Usually this is called a bribe, but what I think this shows is human nature. And that's what RBE is fighting against. Unfortunately.
Actually analogy with StarTrek is perfect, we should discuss it but for now I have to run, Scotty is calling me there seems to be a problem with one of the rigs.