I already made my point clear, the crux of the matter are the means of production. These are so unfairly distributed in our society that any discussion about if money is a necessity becomes irrelevant.
This is also where Libertarians and traditional Anarchists disagree, it's the central point of all economics.
But can't small scale production still be controlled by the little guy and money is just a tool (kind of like Atlas was - a tool I mean)? The junior nutball has a point.
What I am saying is that the means of production shall not be subject to traditional ownership in a capitalist sense. It is not supposed to be hoarded since it isn't utilized then.
There is a (in)famous marxist quote on that matter: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
The same way Libertarians express their "freedom" as the ability to own the means of production, I express mine as the ability to seize them without payment within need.