We define a free market as a market without regulations. I guess I disagree.
Ok i will try differently
It is in the interests of all objects already established on the free market to destroy free market principles in order to secure its position.
Do you agree or not ?
I don't agree. Is not in the best interest of the people to destroy free market principles.
What's the problem with consumption?
RBE has consumption too.
The problem is that it must to be maintained cyclically as often as possible which leads to the unnatural high resource consumption , planned obsolescence , huge waste and environmental impact and many other externalized costs.
The consumption is also "cyclical" in RBE.
No, it doesn't have to be maintained as often as possible, just as often as consumers demand. Note that the different demands compete with each other for the use of resources.
What leads to short-term thinking and unnatural high resource consumption is interest. You don't have proved me wrong in this statement.
What leads to planned obsolescence are cartels and monopolies.
RBE promotes something totally opposite , goods designed to last as long as possible, upgradeable and recyclable.
Goods designed to last as long as possible is not always the best economic decision.
We eventually will recycle every resource no matter the system.
No, the monetary exchange doesn't require infinite growth.
"fiat capital-money issued on debt through state legislation monetary systems" require infinite growth.
Yes it does.
How can you imagine economy based on any money where production is constant ? Money would just accumulate in few hands and economy collapse.
The production doesn't have to be constant to have zero growth.
Money accumulates in few hands because of interest and lobbying.
Although with a free market most people need and/or want to have a job,
There you go technological unemployment again and artificial need to sustain jobs which leads to many negative consequences.
within a free market "production doesn't need to increase( but can if possible)".
Production only increases if demand increases and the resources available allow it. Note that any use of a resource competes with other uses, so only the more demanded use will manage the resource.
within a free market "production doesn't need to increase( but can if possible)".
Yes it needs to sustain money circulation ............
Money circulation != growth
Factories don't stop for a lack of profit.
Omg yes they do its called bankruptcy.
profits !=
bankruptcyRipple is the way to scale LETS.
I am not familiar to the idea. And just so you know i consider this LETS an interesting idea propably much better would we have today , yet it still dont fix major issues connected to the monetary exchange mentioned before in this thread.
Is good that you consider LETS interesting. Ripple is even better.
They have something in common with some scarce moneys such as freigeld or freicoin: they eliminate basic interest.
Ok. Let's invent a new profession. Genetic engineers are able to build "tree houses". Some construction workers will have to look for another job, but at the same time the demand for Genetic engineers will be increased.
One genetic engineer can do the job of thousand workers , since when you have a seed its done deal , over ,no more work.
But you're assuming that different demands won't appear when our production capacities improve drastically.
I don't think this time is different.
It is very different today, because we are reaching the point not only that human labor is diminished as in the past but can be
totally replaced in many cases.
Even if some miraculous invention would come it has high chance its production,service can already be automated.
But someone will always demand human labor !!!
Since resources are scarce, we can't all have infinite purchasing power. In fact no one can.
Your purchasing power and your share of everything that is on sale.
It is not true , we produce enough food to feed everyone yet 2 billion ( or less ) people dont have purchasing power to buy it.
It is wasteful and stupid and done in the name of
You can't blame the free market for a hungry world. African peoples used to have their needs covered. Their problems begin when our when their politicians start talking with ours.
What I mean is that all the purchasing power in the world is held by all the people in the world, but you can't have more purchasing power than resources.
I don't think you can make a clear distinction between needs and wants.
Anyway, you agree that wants shouldn't be scientifically defined or chosen.
Then how do you manage resources scientifically and attending to wants?
Population can be surveyed , with the age of computers you can get input almost instantly.
You survey population. You come up with the conclusion that the current population cannnot be sustained in the long term (when we run out of fossil fuels).
What does the RBE?
Free market cant predict what people want as well it just quickly reacts to those wants , the same way would be with RBE just action would be coordinated and decentralized.
What's the point of surveying all resources on earth if you can't know what people wants?
Imagine the UN feeds the world through a global tax (pretty centralized).
How the rest of resources will be used?
How the RBE is able to know what people wants?
The free market is about decentralizing economic decision making and coordinate production with demands.
If the RBE is going to be decentralized (I think this is the first time I hear it), what mechanism warranties the coordination between the basic elements of decision making.
In free market, those basic elements are people. What are those basic elements in RBE? Cities?