In Mexico they have healthy buffet on offer from vending machine. No ID needed.
In the meantime, Mexico has one of the highest fatality rates from Covid-19, or are these statistics also rigged by big pharmaceuticals?
These 'developing world' countries are given a quota to hit or they don't get the IMF and World Bank funding to run their countries and pay off their politicians. They report whatever they are told to by the globalists (who assign most of their political leaders), but it really doesn't mean anything on-the-ground.
The media were reporting swamped hospitals on the same day I went to one to try to get a sick girl some help and found it to be for all intents and purposes mothballed. The one I found which was open (to 'negative PCR test' people only) was very very empty, but they at least gave her a hospital bed for 10 days to keep her from dying. Cost me a lot out of pocket though. More than the average person could save in 10 years.
I don't understand where you got the information that Ivermectin is effective against Covid, it's an antiparasitic for worms, unless you're a horse, I don't see much use.
On top of that, you anti-vaxxers are hilarious, you are against vaccinations because they haven't been "tested" enough, according to your claims, however, you'll trust a drug which has no ties with treating Covid-19, but is actually used for parasites. Since when is a vending machine in Mexico providing medical advice?
In my household we all got some interesting long-running series of minor cold then minor flu things. As I reported earlier, after three days I finally took some of my Ivermectin and, whatever it was, it was totally gone in 6 hours.
One of my house-girls had the thing linger on while the rest of us got over it. After a few weeks we got her a massage and I gave her some Ivermectin. After the first dose she was almost back to normal with minor re-occurrences. After the second dose (several days later) it totally disappeared.
One of the silver linings of this plandemic is that I found out about Ivermectin. In my experiences so far it seems to be a fuckin wonder-drug. Whoever found it should get a Nobel prize in medicine for the discovery. Oh wait, they did! against a couple of the globalist's favorite little gifts for the 'overpopulated' countries. HIV and DENV. Worse still, the peeps can afford it. No wonder the globalists and their media propaganda machine hate it so much!