What you are talking about is the difference between common law and maritime contract law. Common law is the constitution which includes all of your human rights and restrictions of government powers. Maritime, or commercial contract law basically consists of anything anyone can legally consent to in a commercial contract. The problem is the current government is operating under maritime law, but under the color of common law. They rely on tricking people into confusing the two types of law in order to get them to consent to giving up all of their rights under a private contract. This is why they consider "sovereign citizens" so dangerous, because they understand the legal fraud that is being perpetrated under color of law. If they start telling people, and people start understanding, the current legal system as it is known today will have no teeth and all rights will be able to be restored and legally protected.
A small example that you can see for yourself. Next time you are in a court room check out the flag. You will notice it is different than flags you would find at schools or other public buildings. The flag in court will have a gold fringe trim around the outside of it, and this signifies the court is under the jurisdiction of maritime law, not common law, as a standard USA flag would represent. This is an example of one of the subtle ways they inform you of their jurisdiction without straight out telling you. If you aren't paying attention you don't have an option but to be at the mercy of the court, because you have long ago given them consent to take all of your rights just by appearing there and identifying yourself and therefore giving them jurisdiction over you in a court of Maritme law. Imagine it as if Microsoft were taking you to criminal court over violating its Terms Of Service agreement, and then imposing criminal penalties for violating it. What the government is doing is no different, and is just as complicated if not more so.
Actually, the Constitution is NOT common law. The Constitution only alludes to common law.
Common law is the law that everyday people do when they do their everyday living among themselves. At times it is very similar to some of the law that flows out of the Constitution.
In order to mix the people up, legal people called court cases common law. This common law is legalized common law. At times it can be similar to the common law of the people. But it is extremely different as well.
Next time you are charged with something, and there is a case pending against you, write to the one who is bringing the case against you. Attempt to settle out of court, especially if you are innocent of the thing that you are being accused of.
Since all government is static (it can't do anything of itself), and the only time government can appear to do something is when a man or woman does it, write to the man or woman, not to their governmental office; write to them man/woman to man/woman. In a separate batch of letters, you might want to contact their governmental office, as well, especially if you are seeking damages for something that they have already done to you regarding their court case.
If they won't return your property to you or compensate you for the wrong that they have done to you, file a suit right on top of their case, and file it with the court clerk... in and on top of their case against you. Your case inside theirs has to be heard first. Write your own rules of court as an attachment/exhibit in your case.
Whatever you do, do it against the man/woman who has harmed you, either in addition to or in place of, against their governmental office. If the judge usurps his position of simple arbitrator in your case, it is fraud against the court. Charge him with contempt of court, and if he won't accept, bring another case against the man. He is wronging you, and may be harming you.
This is common law of the people. Learn the details of what it is about at these two websites -
http://voidjudgments.com/ and
http://1215.org/. These people have the information. They don't use it correctly to make it the common law of the people. But they have it.
Karl Lentz is one of the few who has it and uses it properly (the common law of the people). It is extremely simple. The common law of the people goes like this:
1. You wronged me.
2. Compensate me for the wrong done to me, and extra for my time, etc.
Karl -
First your letters, and finally court, all exist to make a record of what is going on so that the jury (or the judge if you opt for him making the judgment) can judge based on the facts.