
Topic: A week out West: Oregon militia standoff hits day 7 - page 2. (Read 2656 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Chris Briels, the Harney County Fire Marshall, resigned his office after he exposed FBI agents pretending to be Militia.

In a statement to Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, Briels revealed that the Sheriff's office, and Judge Steve Grasty, engaged in a whisper campaign, spreading lies and falsehoods to the community that the militia has been following and harassing people. It turns out it was allegedly the FBI who was doing the harassing.

Local KATU news was on the scene.

Chris Briels, was the Burns Fire Chief from 1984 to 2006. When he retired in 2006 Harney county asked him to stay on as the county Fire Marshall.

The resignation was triggered when Briels saw what he thought was Militia poking around the county Armory. He followed the suspects and pulled them over. It was then, According to Briels, he discovered the men, who were posing as Militia, were actually the FBI.

These are extremely damning allegations coming from a top official from within the inner circle of the Harney County authorities, and shows the lengths the FBI and local officials will go to deceive the public to protect their own interests.

What will happen next is anyone's guess, as for right now, the Bundy Militia just scored huge against the Federal Government, and Harney County Officials.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
But you can use this tool^^ as well, right? Use it to terrorize the government terrorists, before they terrorize you to death.


No, the government has a monopoly on the use of violence. If you attack the government you´re a terrorist because you are using violence without having state authority. Who gave the government this monopoly? You did. And who gave this to you? If you can give something away you must have acquired it somehow to begin with. It´s a difficult question. I seem to be stuck here. Thoughts?

There are more ways than one to terrorize. Consider all the people who go to horror flicks for the terror.

Government people often become terrorized when they start losing their authority. The authority goes away when citizens withdraw the authorization they gave them.

Again, the non-violent terror that Karl Lentz inflicts on government:

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
But you can use this tool^^ as well, right? Use it to terrorize the government terrorists, before they terrorize you to death.


No, the government has a monopoly on the use of violence. If you attack the government you´re a terrorist because you are using violence without having state authority. Who gave the government this monopoly? You did. And who gave this to you? If you can give something away you must have acquired it somehow to begin with. It´s a difficult question. I seem to be stuck here. Thoughts?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
But you can use this tool^^ as well, right? Use it to terrorize the government terrorists, before they terrorize you to death.

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Killing and robbery and coercion. The guy has the purpose of terrorism absolutely to a tee. It looks like a very useful multi-purpose tool. You can use it on other countries to undermine and coerce their government into obedience and you can use it on your own country to scare the people into demanding more power for you to defend them. And of course the terrorists are from some region or country against whom your usual terror tactics haven´t worked so well. So, the military is needed. And you use terrorism openly within your own country for robbery and coercion which is fine because it´s the government and therefore it can´t be terrorism. All of this is extremely lucrative for you and your corporate buddies. It´s the mommy of all win-wins.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Imbalance of Federal Land Ownership Sheds Light on Oregon Militia

The federal government owns large tracts of the western states: from a low of 29.9% in Montana, already more than the national average, up to a whopping 84.5% in Nevada.

This map, depicting the distribution and share of federal land per state, was first published on this blog way back in 2008. Nevertheless, it keeps accumulating comments and hits at a steady pace, and is still frequently shared around. Unlike hundreds of other random maps, this one has become a perennial. That raises an interesting question for map geeks like yours truly: Which nerve, exactly, does this map strike with the Great Online Public?


Note: The various State held lands include lots more property. Many government owned properties are held in trust. Probably non-government owned land is in the range (no pun intended) of 60% of all the land, with government owning the other 40%.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Speaking of´s one from the mouth...a representative of the one-party system...

......terror — meaning killing and robbery and coercion by people who do not have state authority......

Bill Clinton’s World

LOL! That's about right. However...

Since the authority for government is vested in the people, it is the people who have the right to be terrorists. It's written in the foundational documents that allow government the privilege of existing - the Declaration of Independence, the Preamble, the Constitution, and the Amendments. Isn't it about time we scare the s*** out of government by using our right to terrorize on them?

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Speaking of´s one from the mouth...a representative of the one-party system...

......terror — meaning killing and robbery and coercion by people who do not have state authority......

Bill Clinton’s World
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
BLM Burns Ranches and Destroy Cattle, but Ranchers Get Charged with Terrorism

The family has been threatened by federal agents and fear for their lives. Now, the Bureau of Land Management is doing the very thing that the Hammonds did, which is burn off some of the land, only in the case of the BLM, they have killed more than 80 head of cattle, endangered the ranchers, injured other cattle, burnt homes and other structures such as fences and power poles and threatened an entire town! Yet, it is ranchers who are considered terrorists by the feds, not the BLM.

Ammon Bundy recently spoke out on the injustices and criminal activity of the BLM against the Hammond family.

Bundy claims that there was no due process, something that is specifically supposed to be protected under the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution, and he went on to state that there was a tremendous amount of corruption involved in the sentencing, the re-sentencing and even in the present situation.


Note: If this link doesn't work for you, try going to the link at the top of this post first, and clicking to this page from there.

Watch the videos at and


EDIT: It seems that Godaddy might have taken this page down (, right at the time of this post. If anyone wants the rest of the content, PM me. If enough people want it, I'll post it. Let me know what you think.

If Godaddy doesn't release this site, I may delete my copy of the content in a couple of weeks.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Yeah, small wonder that these people are being systematically vilified, ridiculed and generally minimized. The source of all that clearly has a sordid record to defend, only it´s probably indefensible and so they´re not interesting in identifying arguments much less discussing them. It´s only attacks.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Oregon Standoff: Federal Land Grab vs. the Sagebrush Rebellion

While the majority of rancher disputes are against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) the US Fish and Wildlife Service has been just as ruthless–in this case expanding the wildlife refuge at the expense of neighboring ranchers. This week I'll detail the struggle of the Hammond family, and of Ammon Bundy the protest leader. When you read the litany of federal abuse of ranching families, you will better understand why some ranchers are staging an armed resistance. I also give some suggestions on how this can be resolved peacefully.

The root of the controversy is a constitutional dispute that has never been properly adjudicated. Under Article IV, Section 3:2 (The Property Clause), it says,

The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States….

However, once a territory becomes a state, the federal government can only possess land, within that state for limited purposes: a national capitol, federal military facilities, and certain docking and warehouse facilities related to the collection of tariffs. This is governed by Article I, Section 8:17 which states:

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District [Washington DC] (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of Particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings [such as post offices].

Notice, those lands have to be specifically ceded by the states through consent of the state legislatures; they cannot be taken arbitrarily by government. The federal government got around this by making federal ownership of large parts of Western territories a condition of statehood. This had never been done to any state until the territories west of the Dakotas, down through Texas became states. Nevada was literally robbed of 84.5% of its land. In most western states the federal government owns more than half of the land mass. This is outrageous. Here is a link to a map showing the sad facts.

From the beginning there were private lands interspersed among lands claimed by the federal government, and the forest service, in particular, has engaged in a long series of abuses making it difficult, if not impossible, for "inholders" to gain access to their land or use it.

The BLM has likewise engaged in a myriad of tactics to harass ranchers, including the denial of long-held grazing and water rights, access to their land and even starting controlled burns which threatened private land and forced ranchers into a costly battle to protect buildings and livestock–all of this without legal consequences for the government. Here's video proof.

And yet when ranchers like the Hammonds do a controlled burn that crossed over to federal lands, they are prosecuted and fined even when authorities agree there was only benefit to the land from the fires. As the Wounded American Warriors have documented:

Tri-State Livestock News reports on that testimony, "In cross-examination of a prosecution witness, the court transcript also includes an admission from Mr. Ward, a range conservationist, that the 2001 fire improved the rangeland conditions on the BLM property."According to Erin Maupin, a former BLM range technician and watershed specialist and rancher in the area who had been the neighbor of the Hammonds for years, said it was because researchers had determined that managing the invasive junipers, which steal water from grass and other cover was something necessary to increase the conditions on the land. "Juniper encroachment had become an issue on the forefront and was starting to come to a head. We were trying to figure out how to deal with it on a large scale," said Maupin.

The fines are meant to be so heavy that ranchers are forced to sell their land to the BLM, which turns out to be the hidden purpose of the draconian prosecution. Ultimately this is what will happen to the Hammond family of Harney County, Oregon. But it is not sufficient to review the doctored court records of their case alone, as the press is doing, you also have to know the background of harassment ranchers surrounding the Malheur Wildlife Refuge have been subjected to by government agencies and the collusion of judges and prosecutors to deny justice to them when these matters come to trial. All of these cases taken together paint a vivid picture of ranchers being hustled out of their land and livelihood.

Read a lot more at

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Ammon Bundy Breaks His Silence with Dave Hodges, Hear His Side of the Story

Ammon Bundy, leading the way for the
restoration of property rights for ranchers
and Native Americans in the West.burn

On January 10, 2016, Ammon Bundy was to have been a guest on The Common Sense Show.

The Common Sense Show interviewed Ammon Bundy and this time, the feds were not able to interfere. This interview came the day after the feds took down the communications of The Common Sense Show as well as the Patriots led by Ammon Bundy.

Both the established contact with the Bundy camp and the facilitation of the interviewed was secured by the health reporter of The Common Sense Show, Katy Whelan.

The show, itself, began as an interview with Sheila Ziliniski and we discussed some of the content of her recent book, The Green Gospel. After a great deal of difficulty, and two days of chasing this rare interview opportunity, Katy was able secure the interview and I was forced to terminate the interview with Sheila. However, Sheila graciously stayed on board and assisted with the interview.

Mainstream Media Deception



Also read Why Are the Feds Keeping Ammon Bundy and Dave Hodges Apart By Any Means Possible? -


EDIT: Also read Ammon Bundy Is the Next Davy Crockett -
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Thanks BADecker, very well written and informative as always from Justin Raimondo. Not to be missed.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
What the Oregon Standoff Is Really About

The occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Burns, Oregon, by a group led by Ammon Bundy—yes, of those Bundys—was supposed to have focused attention on the plight of a rancher family that has been fighting decades-long efforts by federal officials to drive them off their land. Instead, this dramatic act of civil disobedience has done the opposite: amid debates over the Bundy family, their tactics, and ideology, the focus has been taken off the Hammond family, and their struggle to preserve their land and their way of life has been largely obscured.

This is their story.

Dwight Hammond and his wife Susan bought their ranch in 1964. The Hammond ranch consists of 6,000 acres, grazing rights in four areas on public land, and rights at three separate water sources. They live in a small ranch house—a beautiful structure of stone and hand-hewn wood—on the property.

The land sits in Oregon's Harney Basin, an area first settled at the tail end of the 19th century. While the narrative we are getting in the media depicts the ranchers as despoilers of the land, implacable enemies of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge established by Teddy Roosevelt in 1908, the true history of the region shows that the "cowboys" who lived there and ran as many as 300,000 head of cattle were in fact its best defenders. Without them, there would be no Malheur Wildlife Refuge.



Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Historic"Militia" Moment: Pacific Patriot Network (Including Oath Keepers) Calls On FBI

Note from Stewart Rhodes, Founder and President of Oath Keepers:

See the below video.  Very interesting interaction between the Pacific Patriot Network (PPN) leadership delegation and the FBI (who were all kitted out with rifles, plate carriers, and chest rigs).

Among the PPN leaders are Brandon Curtiss, the founder of the Idaho III%; Brandon Rapolla, the Oregon Oath Keepers state CPT Coordinator; and Joseph Rice, the leader of the Josephine County, OR chapter of Oath Keepers (site of the Sugar Pine Mine operation this last year).   They are doing this under the banner of the Pacific Patriot Network, which is a coalition of groups from Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, including local Oregon Oath Keepers chapters (and note that they stressed several times at an earlier press conference that they are not a militia, but that is what the media, including alternative media, insists on calling them).

Their purpose there in Harney County is to help open a line of dialogue and to serve as a buffer to prevent another Waco incident.   This is a righteous mission, if done right, and we stand in full support of it.

However, at this time we are not doing a national call out for other Oath Keepers members to go there.  The local Oregon guys, along with the very capable leaders of Idaho III%, appear to have this mission covered (of being a buffer and facilitating dialogue), and less is more when it comes to keeping things deescalated, as is the stated wish of everyone involved, including Ammon Bundy.

Unless our guys in OR say they need our help  for this mission, stay home and get your own AO squared away.  Got a community Quick Reaction Force (QRF)?  Have a neighborhood watch with real teeth?   Can you answer the three critical questions of "who's on your buddy team?  Who's on your fire teem?  Who's on your squad?"   Got a posse behind a good constitutional sheriff?  Got Minuteman unit?  Got civil defense unit?  Got militia?  If not, then you need to get that done before you even think of running off to another state, unless it's a dire emergency, like Bundy Ranch was.

If this situation goes south, and the Obama Admin turns this into another Waco, the crap WILL hit the fan nationwide, since there are no more free Wacos – not anymore – and you will have your hands full right where you are, and in reaction, the first thing you should do is organize town and county militias for mutual defense.  And that is something we will all need sooner or later.  So, start laying the groundwork for that now.  Today.

Stewart Rhodes

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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
I don´t know too much about this affair. It´s interesting and I´m following and I like their horses..

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Pretty funny. Those FBI yokels go armed and in body armor to have a friendly word with these guys. Must have been feeling insecure  Grin
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Also on Thursday, Oregon Governor Kate Brown released a statement decrying the activities of Bundy’s militia and ordering the group to “decamp immediately and be held accountable.” She called the occupation a part of “tactics we Oregonians don’t agree with.”

Bullshit, I think we all know if they were black lives matter protesters or occupy wallstreet etc. the idiot politicians trying to denounce them would be all there with them trying to make it look like they care. One thing I do take away from this is that you can harass and cause trouble for just about anyone, but if you fuck with the federal government then you're going to get it even if what you did isn't that big of a deal.
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