It definitely is a step in the right direction. But it will not bring peace. Even now, some of the richest bitcoiners are those who scammed them from others. So why wouldn't they continue to do so?
Money is not the root of evil, it is our own ego that does so. Money is simply a tool created by our ego to facilitate greed, inequality and separation.
I feel that we are all conscious beings. Everyone is a good person deep down, everyone has love, has a consciousness, and that is why I love everyone. We are all one.
You can't be negative forever in this world, it literraly kills you to do so and is the cause of your own destruction. You can, however, be positive forever. Positivity is limitless. We can make it so everyone in this planet is feeling a rise of energy, love, at the same time. When that happens there is no negativity to stop this planet ascending into a higher form of consciousness where people feel infinite peace.
I have felt infinite peace through an egodeath experience. It is very much real and it is truly the greatest thing existence has to offer. No amount of material wealth or control could ever amount to the infinite power of love.
Indeed, it's a real shame that so much Bitcoins are kept by worthless hackers.
I believe a system like that which you describe would work for a small group, where everyone that belongs in it adds value to the group, like the communes in the 60's. Why? It's because we are animals (and I don't mean this in a negative way). All animals live in relatively small groups, because the brain is not adapted to be able to recognize its affiliation with a huge number of individuals - about 100 at best. In a money-less society, there will always be a scum that will find a way to take control by brute force. In a small commune, this is not a problem since there won't be the mob-effect that will make people dumb enough to give that scum power in the first place, so your idea of an ideal society would work well for that. Money is a tool for human to live in bigger groups than this, because with it, everyone can have a concrete power to stay free from the power-hungry looters that have nothing to offer to society.
I agree that being always negative is evil, but so is being always positive. I believe in rationality and in the trust of one's inner values
Thanks for explaining your idea in many paragraphs. I hope mine were readable too, since english is not my primary language.