We would like to address accusations raised here.
Firstly, regarding trust feedbacks – we did not mean to threaten or bully into removing the feedback, but it was false, untrue and unfair to us. We appreciate that some users have removed it, but not everybody did so, unfortunately.
As for our FAQs ---
Thanks to Veleor, lets look what bestchange writing in their FAQ:
Q: Bceм ли oбмeнникaм из мoнитopингa BestChange.ru мoжнo дoвepять?
A: Bы мoжeтe бeз oпaceний пpoвoдить oбмeны нa oбмeнныx пyнктax, чиcлящиxcя в aктивнoм cocтoянии нa нaшeм мoнитopингe Кaждый oбмeнный пyнкт был тщaтeльнo пpoвepeн пepeд включeниeм нa нaш caйт. <...>
Translate yellow sentences: 1.
"You can make any exchanges without any concerns in exchangers listed in "active" section on our site. Every exchanger was carefully checked before add it to our site "please see the full text of the quoted paragraph:
Half of this list are exchangers, which are, firstly, not a scam until proven otherwise by authorized bodies, secondly, there is a warning on every such page, for instance:
https://www.bestchange.com/exmo-exchanger.html We only created their pages so that people could comments on them, we do not show them in results for any exchange directions, they are placed in a separate section for information about rates.
Other projects are switched off. Currently users can leave a review about them or read the reviews about their past work without any serious complaints.
Lastly, we would like to quote the user who encountered the situation with the exchangers and started topics across the forum:
C BestChange oпpeдeлeннo пaлкy мы пepeгнyли, в тoм чиcлe и пo мoeй винe. Пo peшeнию пpoблeмы пpилoжy вce ycилия чтoбы иcпpaвить этo
Translation: we went too far with BestChange, and I am to blame for that as well. When the problem is solved, I will do my best to fix that.
The thing is, that the user did not pick up the exchanger on our website, he found it on Monero’s website. However, all the blame is put on us and we are made the bad guy here. We, in our turn, we trying to help solve this situation.
Also, on an important note, as we said in another thread, the exchanger did not take away the user’s money or embezzle it; it has just frozen it to conduct an investigation, because the transaction was marked as suspicious. Therefore it's too early to speak about scam in this situation.