I was in a discussion with the WoodWallets.io about wooden AsiaCoin wallets, and in order to get the crafting started we would need to make a pre-order of at least 15 wooden wallets. Is this something the community is interested in?
The cost is 0.043 BTC (~6150 AC) for a one-sided wooden wallet (public or private key), and 0.057 BTC (~8150 AC) for the two-sided public and private key.
Note: Please only confirm interest if you're ready to pay for it as we need to pre-order at least 15 if we want to have AC added. We can arrange it but only if we have enough interest to fill the pre-orders.
Im very interested in this and im sure many of the members here are also, rmeember we are all shareholders in this project. Thats actually pretty cheap Maestro, just sending some ACs to donate to the project.