stopping the account sale may also stop or the lessen the circulation of bitcoin. and so it has to be decided carefully as the economy of the bitcoin is more important.
If you really think bitcointalk account sales are any notable, considerable weight in the bitcoin economy, your horizon has to be very small.
Even worse, if they really were that important to the economy...
what i can suggest however is just make the account sale transparent instead. a list as to who bought who and when...
So, the solution for getting rid of account farming is, making account sales 'transparent'?
Besides the issue, that this would never be (fully) possible, as being easy to avoid, that's a bullshit suggestion.
The majority of posters in this thread wants to stop account sales, not to encourage them in any way.
It's why campaigns need to set the entry barrier high as well. Don't accept low ranking members and check the post quality of those applying so that you don't have to keep kicking people out.
Agreed, from a newbie/junior members history (the brief one that exists at that point of time), you can hardly evaluate their future posting behaviour,
whilst with higher ranking members (considering they didn't change hands inbetween), you mostly get a good estimate on how they post/behave.
That's what it has become. And that was a multi-account spammer.
It's funny how reporting a post/thread can backfire at you.
another forum sheriff , seem usual for this user to judge the over for nothing ...