has the following message:
Mining is currently suspended while security and server investigations are undertaken.
Although no breach of security was achieved, we must fully investigate any attempt to gain balances by submitting potentially false data.
To prevent balances being unfairly distributed to dishonest users (potential theft from honest miners)
the pool's stratum services will remain closed for the time being.
Does anyone know what happened?
The pool is still closed and now it says this:
Update: Investigations have revealed that much of the current issues stem from another pool.
To avoid potential libel issues, all that will be said is "unusual packets in the form of SSL interactions, actions which triggered other security measures and
non-standard block submissions were detected from the same IP address as another "well known" pool (one which does not provide mining services for CGA)."
There were no security breaches to the servers. Investigations will continue.
The pool in question has been contacted to give them an opportunity to explain their actions.
At the time of this update, they have not responded to our communications.