I don't have time right now but you could try to find press info about any of these concluded cases being opened/first mentioned. Then you might get an idea of how long a case can take based on when it was first mentioned in the press and when the MSD made their ruling.
http://www.sos.mo.gov/securities/orders/This one might be in the press somewhere:
http://www.sos.mo.gov/news.asp?ID=965EDIT - BINGO!
Huntleigh’s failure to supervise McClellan and other deficient compliance procedures were discovered during a November 2009 for-cause, on-site audit of the firm led by the Securities Division’s Audit Unit.and the ruling was made in Dec 2010. So a fairly complex case I would say, 18 people sold 'off the book' houses so 18 contracts to examine, and a company and individual to investigate. That took 12 months from discovery that there were irregularities to completion and ruling. That's very quick in my book. Our case is far simpler I would think. However the issues are not so serious I wouldn't think so we might not be as high a priority as a case like this.
thanks for that minerpart, I find this American legal system stuff incredibly confusing and only understand its working at the most rudimentary level, but your info makes sense and answers my question as adequately as I could hope for.
I agree ActM's accounts are fairly simple, plus I believe Ken is being fully cooperative and helpful with the authorities as I also do not believe him to be a crook. The timing of all this really couldn't be worse. ActM performance is blasting off and we're stuck in the regulatory waiting room! I just hope ActM can maintain its rate of progress and hold a good slice of the network long enough to see resolution and trading at last!
don't forget that the MSD may very likely demand all sorts of regulatory hoops to be jumped through when they finish their review which could open a whole new can of worms, both expense-wise and time-wise. Going by those articles you supplied and then adding extra months for compliance measures to go through I will bring your estimation from well under a year, up to just about one year, maybe March 1st 2015, but only because it is safer to over estimate than underestimate in this case.
PLEASE BE WARNED - these are merely guesses made by unrelated parties. In no way, shape, or form should any of the dates listed above be confused with official schedules, timelines, or promises from either Activemining, any of its employees, legal representatives, or the MSD and any legal bodies within its jurisdiction!
caveat enough for ya?