We (and which "we" do you mean?) do not think of electricity as the creation or either endothermic or exothermic reactions. Actually, electricity is created either through the transformation of physical energy (motion) into electrical energy, by rotating magnets (either permanent or electro-magnets) around coils. That in fact is induction. Or it is created chemically, and the side effect is heat, but the way the electricity is formed is through the movement of electrons from one pole to another within some chemical substrate.
People who go and and on about free electricity and perpetual motion machines are as stupid as people who insist the earth is only 6,00 or so years old or that there was no event such as the Big Bang or that there is no evidence for evolution.
Unless you have built such a device, have evidence in the form of a published research paper in a physics or engineering journal that is credible, then you are talking nonsense.
Now that we have had this diversion, let's return to talking about what Ken is doing, when shares will be traded and anything that has to do with Bitcoin or ActM.
Kind of but not really. It is a Tesla patent and the blue prints are now a available. We tend to think as electricty creation from exothermic, and endothermic reactions....this creates electricity via induction. You have to change what they tought you in public school about electricity(similar to bitcoin vs. Fiat)....if anything at all. It does work.
Yes but how do you get those magnets to spin??? Some kind of external energy force.....Burning, falling water, nuclear reaction.
Think of it this way. A true inductor of energy (not one driven by external forces) is like calling a dog. You spend a tiny bit of energy ( amount of energy to voice the dog's name) to recieve a lot of energy (the dog itself).....that is true induction. Solar energy and panels are more true induction than any traditional energy creation methods. The energy is already in the air via heated excited electrons from the sun... Any air that has a temprature above absolute zero has energy stored in it. Think of a light bulb and how about 80% of the energy produced in a light bulb manafests its self as heat.....why not call it a heat bulb..... This is stuff we all learned in 8th grade science, and just requires a little perspective shift. It does work trust me.
On a less abstract note that fits this current paradigm's thinking of how energy is created look at all the HHO generators out there, that are just finally making it to the public conciousness. They have been around for years, and is generally the first expirement that we all do when taking High School chemestry. Perhaps we can invest in Some HHO technology to keep electric costs down. I know this works because I ran my old dirt bike off it, and worked awesome.
For proof of any of this there is a website called google.com. Try it out.....although I am more of a fan of Yahoo.com for nostalgic reasons, google.com will work just fine