Ken does not moderate this thread.
This thread was created and is moderated by a small group of shareholders (of which I am not one) who wanted to limit nastiness and trolling.
Complaining about the same things over and over again is pointless. We all want a financial statement. We all want to trade. We all want to become wealthier than our wildest dreams.
Ken likes to delete posts. These deletions include posts that I feel are entirely relevant and make reasonable assumptions and place fair criticism on the actions of Ken and ACTM/VMC.
@Ken: if you feel this post does not belong in your moderated thread, please state why. Quote whatever portions of it ARE fair, and answer to the criticisms as best as you can. If nothing else, and my post must be removed entirely, at least answer to this:
simple point: actm has made well over 100BTC mining, starting with 737GH of avalon equipment (avalon units and K16 units) in late 2013. They have probably mined far more. WIth the current turmoil there are no shares to give dividends to, and financial reports were due 22 days ago
lets go through.
shares: still not available. ken promised these would be in operation long ago, and if you asked even the supporters about it 2-3 months ago they would likely have never dreamed it would take this long. The phrases "next week", "later this week", and "by next month" are common
refunds: apparently these are mailing out as cheques, rather than bitcoin payments as requested by users (or at least loudly and frequently by magzy).
hashrate: ken had 737GH of gear running since late 2013. this hashrate has likely made him DOZENS (hundreds?) of bitcoins at no cost to himself and with zero return to investors. even now it is on btcguild seperate from the eligius farm (it should share on the eligius page or have its own eligius address). He promised 100TH deployed in april and 100TH in May. Its not even 57TH yet and he is adding only about 3-4TH a day on average.
dividends: None yet. he lost shareholder bitcoins by holding them in mtgox (either terrible money management or a convenient excuse), and there is no sharing at all from the aforementioned 737GH he has been running for about 6 months now, or the more recent 30BTC from hashfast boards. Neither are there any dividends from selling ~$100,000 worth of the hashfast boards on the VMC website. (again - people should not have stored large sums money on a hot wallet like a virtual exchange meant for playing cards)
yes he is still here, yes he is 'adding' hashrate - but there is no return of the profits to investors and his financial reports are 22 days past due