There are a number of reasons for not spilling the beans. Here they are MSD, Competition, and Trolls just to name a few. However, me and my team are working hard out west to make it happen. The shareholders will soon see proof of what we are doing in the form of increased bitcoins flowing into our mining address. So, just stay tuned to this channel and watch the mining address.
hashrate is not proof of much if anything. You already owned >700Gh of avalon gear for months now. Even adding 25TH to this is meaningless if you are just buying antminers or some other market-value hardware.
before I continue, what is 'MSD'? and indicates the best fit is 'Manufacturing System Design'.
Manufacturing System Design - how would giving details or a photo be prevented by this?
Competition - b*llshit. What will happen, the competition will see your hardware and magically replicate the PCB? There are a dozen other hardware designs that are visible online or available for purchase right now (or were sold already) that would be better suited to being copied. You have no reason to be silent due to 'competition'.
Trolls - This is not a reason. How would actually explaining what's going on feed the trolls? The trolls are fed by your lack of any real, transparent information.
My point is, I see no reason why you can not or should not 'spill the beans'. You are not 'spilling the beans' by telling the people who gave you money and trust what you are doing with said money and trust after 9 months? The only thing you have demonstrated is that you can point a few bitcoins worth of equipment at a BTCguild pool where almost noone can view the stats or detailed information.
The 'demands' of people int he thread are 100% within reason:
1) use eligius. The pool is better in many ways than BTCGuild, the #1 being that the stats are visible to anyone who know the mining address. It also means that the hashrate is 100% going to a fixed address.
2) explain the delay on shares. Are you witing for coloured coins, and do you actually own a list of all the shareholders and assets
3) what hardware are you buying/using? Right now, it seems pretty clear that the chips are not an ACTM design, and most likely bought from an aforementioned 'competition'