Here is the good news for March, we are rolling off the production line ~100 TH/s of mining gear which will be installed in our soon to be leased data-center. We are expecting to have the 100 TH/s up and running on our BTCGuild account in the next 2 weeks, so everyone will be able to see the new hashing power. We will then convert to sole mining over the next month. After the first 100 TH/s is on line we will be increasing our hashing power on a regular basis. We are expecting the next increase in hashing power to be ~100 TH/s within a month for a total of ~200 TH/s.
Active Mining PR Staff
nice news, but i been silent for long time, because whatever we say here won't change anything.
too much usage of the word "soon", "expecting" and again 2 weeks.
this news made me remember labcoin, when he said he will add hash daily
edit: it doesn't make sense, more people are trading in CT, while rest of share is locked away?
if MSD stopping you, why these ppl keep on trading?
does MSD still on effect if decide to go direct share?
i asked this questions before weeks ago, all ignored.
Here's a thought: The shares on CT are being transacted on CTs platform in China where the MSD has no jurisdiction. Ken issuing shares back to shareholders would take place in Missouri, where the MSD has absolute authority over the matter.
thanks makes sense, but it begs another question, sorry
at the time of listing ukyo shares or before it, why didn't ken list us along those shares or before those shares?
i believe there was no MSD.
edit: if its because hold up between choosing CT or CC, then MSD came in after ukyo share is list.
then i can just wait happily again, no worries