I'd like to make a couple of things clear as I've been at work and haven't had time to respond properly today.
The information I have has not come from Ken or anyone inside ActM. I have personally done a little bit of detective work in this forum and have also spoken with a handful of shareholders privately. Piecing together this information and also Ken's public statements that good news is just around the corner, I have drawn my own conclusions and this is why I am so bullish. For whatever reason my positive posts are like a red rag to a bull for some shareholders, but they aren't the ones I'm trying to help. I am sending a message to all the other more sensible shareholders that all is not lost, in fact things are looking very good.
It's academic anyway as we'll all know very soon.
As I stated before, I don't own any shares on CT and like everyone else am unable to trade the shares I do own. I tried to buy 20,000 shares in the last couple of weeks and made that fact public as you might remember, and at that time all I had to go on was what Ken had publicly stated, i.e 'good news is incoming'. The deal didn't go through because we couldn't agree on the price. I would certainly not buy any shares now given what I know. As another person mentioned earlier, having inside info is not a crime but trading on it is. I am being fully transparent here as I have nothing to fear.
@chasdos - It was me that deleted one of your posts earlier as ActM Thread. Not to censor your voice but to remove an unacceptable post. I don't mind what people say to me or about me, but will draw the line when people insult Ken. He has had more than enough abuse to last a lifetime and this dates all the way back when the Advisory Board were asking people not to disrespect him. The specific thing you wrote which resulted in the deletion was, "Ken get your fucking shit together.". Look back through this thread and see all the posts that HAVEN'T been deleted and you will understand that unfair censorship is not occuring.
Zum, with much respect; you have always leaned way over to the rosy side of this thing… almost too much.
What are you willing to do, sacrifice or say - as a consequence - if nothing comes of Ken's supposed new, new, new, big announcement?