Again, things that should not be covered under NDA:
Pin-outs and protocols for the
FPGA that the asic is being modeled on.
PCB designs.
PCB fabrication and assembly deals.
Box assembly deals.
Facilities to host the miners.
KnC has an FPGA system where 4 FPGAs have can emulate one KnC chip exactly (except for the speed). You populate the board with FPGAs, and you can test everything about the board including cooling. Even if the 'deets' on the ASIC were locked down by NDA (which they're not) the original FPGA design should not be covered, since it was designed by Ken.
All of those things should be being worked on, and progress should be reported on.
Apparently no-one is paying attention to the short squeeze happening as i type this. Who knows if it will last but there will be a MAJOR squeeze coming when we hear from Ken.
crumbs, i will buy the fuck out of 0025. We are all forgetting that ACTM has promised to pay back 0025 per share before they start taking profits...its a no brainer.
Labcoin is a joke...good luck with the 130nm chip
Short squeeze? Do you even know what that is? It's when people who have short positions have to buy and the price spikes because of it. But no one has short positions on ActiveMining, there aren't even any options available.
eAsic confirmed they are developing a 28nm chip with VMC, so call the relationship as you want, that is all I'm interested of.
And btw, somestranger above me is right, I'm feeding trolls that are here only to spread FUD, and maybe buy cheap shares. Never seen anyone use so much efforts for something they are not interested
When did they do that? All I saw was that they said there were 'discussions'. And yeah, ActiveMining is a eAsic
customer, or at least hopes to me. When I by dish soap at target that doesn't mean I have a "partnership" with Target.