The price for ActM stock will jump to 0.0055 the next time we get a snippet of info from PR
Where's Streets/ActM_PR? Even that sacrificial lamb/designated scapegoat bailed on U?
P.S: Magic You Can Do Yourself
Materials needed:
1 toilet paper roll (ask mom if you can have it first)
1 piece of sticky tape
Magic markers (for decoration!)
Plenty of patience!
Cover one end of the toilet paper roll with sticky tape, make sure there are no holes.
Carefully draw pretty things with magic markers on the TP roll, so it looks nice.
You're almost ready for the magic, don't forget to breathe!
The trick:
Hold toilet paper roll to your ear with your right hand, cover the other ear with your left.
Shut your eyes tight!
Hear it? Yeah, that! That's news from Ken!1!
He can't post news if Ken doesn't submit news. You know that sweet tits.