I tend to think that "ledendary" is not too far above "hero" but I also think that "elite" is a pretty good one. Are there going to be further benefits for the new rank? If, for example, these guys have even larger sig-spaces then they'll probably be able to earn more on sig-ad campaigns. Would that be the case? What other benefits would be offered?
I like "ledengary"
Ledengary Mmeber
people will be making new accounts just to avoid that rank
Geez, I guess you never make a typo. Good luck asshole, the karma police are watching you now.
Sorry for making fun of it. It cracks me up that the new rank actually is "Legendary". I just though it would be funny if the new rank would be something awful. Your typo was the inspiration to that. If you think thats offending, oh well, I guess Ill argue with the karma police then
I added a new Legendary membergroup with a yellow coin. I am completely open to the possibility of changing both the name and the coin color if people don't like them. In particular, if people find that threads are now too "glittery" with all of the yellow coins, I will remove the color or make it more subtle. If you think that some other color would work better, download the
legendary.gif image, modify it with your color, and post your modified GIF image. Don't change anything but the color of that one region in the image, though. (I make these images by opening the image in GIMP, selecting the colored region, and then using the Colorize tool.)
To make things more fun, the Legendary membergroup has no universal activity requirement. You are guaranteed to become Legendary somewhere between 775 and 1030 activity, but the exact point in this range at which you become Legendary is random per user.
I like it, its legen... wait for it. Yeah we will be seeing lots of those now
Anyway, I dont think yellow on... uh looks greyish (the background) is a good idea. I can hardly see the yellow part of the coin.