Fair dPoS Delegate System goes live! Join Channel for delegates to discuss ADAMANT plans
We are happy to announce that Fair dPoS Delegate System successfully works now, and delegates list was reordered.
New Rank system considers the Node Productivity and Number of user’s votes. Final formula for Vote weight is:
Vote weight = ADM / Votes * Productivity
See the explanation:
https://medium.com/adamant-im/fair-delegate-system-in-dpos-568e5c3c86c8Attention! All nodes on the version below 0.4.0 now rejected by the network, so please update your node, if you haven’t done it earlier.
Slack channel for delegates to discuss ADAMANT plans
Decentralization is the basis for any blockchain. We want not only to increase the number of delegates for the network, but also to get your opinion on the future of ADAMANT.
Especially for this purpose we created a Slack channel. If you are a delegate, join!
1. Connect to Slack adamant-im.slack.com/join/shared_invite/enQtMjg1MzQ0Njc3NzY3LWQwYTdlN2VlOWI2NGMwOTdkYjUxMTgzNjI0YTQwZTI0NGM1YjY0MzMyNGY3NTM0OWRiYzMzOWRkODk3YjFjZGQ
2. Write @Serg the name of your delegate or link to explorer for your delegate.
If you are not yet a delegate of the ADAMANT network, see medium.com/adamant-im/how-to-become-an-adamant-delegate-745f01d032f
Together to the future of messaging!