forum allowed buying/selling accounts but still DT guy left me negative
so only thing we can expect from most DT guys are misuse of their power ,nothing else.they will support the guy from their family(from DT) not other normal users,no matter if the DT guy is you can see here by most DT users
DT =/ forum.
And "only thing we can expect from most DT guys" is to give feedback according to their opinion.
They support whoever they think is right, and thats good this way.
i lost my faith in DT, after seeing the peoples on list, most of them are just afraid or doesn't have courage to support truth
I disagree with you. I think by leaving negative feedback to you he
showed courage,
since, as you are doing now, it can be criticized, and (depending on BadBear) he might have risked losing his position because of this.