I would almost suggest Atlas get a restraining order instead of just a defamation suit. I've mentioned before, you can't change people, no matter how hard you try, and especially online. People can only change themselves. It ironic Matthew would say Atlas is overvaluing himself, since from the amount of time and energy that Matthew pours into Atlas's life, it's pretty clear that Matt is quite obsessed with Atlas. I can't begin to guess why, but these slap fights are almost like watching to elementary school kids with one having a crush, not knowing how to deal with it, and bickering with the other instead, like some boy pulling a girl's hair just to get her attention.
This thread is about Atlas crying out for attention, not me. My thread was an honest question regarding the allowance of sock puppet accounts here. Also, I kept my discussion about Atlas' promises in PM only bringing what myself and numerous others feel is blatant theft to the public when it felt it was the right thing to do.
Atlas posts provocative topics for people to discuss. His philosophy is not unique, but a lot of people see it as strange or extreme, and thus give them a lot of attention, after which Atlas continues to debate with them. Sure, he may answer in an "I am absolutely right about this" tone, and his cold logic no doubt is percieved as somewhat shocking, but seems he's only interested in discussing provocative topics, or in getting involved in some enterpreneurial venture. Both perfectly fine qualities. I don't really see the cry for attention from his end. There ARE a LOT of other posters that seem to completely obsess over every one of his posts, mostly it seems due to his rather uncommon philosophy. Too often it's also him posting that he is happy with who he is and what he does, and others, perhaps not happy or satisfied themselves, trying to bring him down to their level. Just because you went through shit due to your own personal similar quirks doesn't mean he will too. And if he does, so what? It builds character, or whatever. Your obsession with him seems almost disturbed. I'm not kidding when I say you sound like a girl completely romantically obsessed with some guy of whom you've built an ideal image in your head, and are now trying to change him when you realized he doesn't fit that image. He's not your lover, and you can't change him. You have nothing to offer him that he would want in exchange for deviating from where he is most comfortable. Also, redirecting the DNS is not transfer of ownership. If you didn't sign any contracts, it's on you for being stupid enough to set up any serious business agreements with an allegedly emotionally unstable 17yo.