Sorry to need hand holding all the way through this. That was largely unexpected and perhaps an oversight on my part but if good guidance and patience is available, I'm eager to learn/follow directions and proceed.
I'd prefer to help out and have a few more people out there that can do this sort of stuff. you, me and everyone else helping is actually helping anyone else following along, we're all winning here
I've been trying in vein to install the bitcoin-qt file. I tried
sudo install /file/path/to/bitcoin-qt
cd /file/path/to/bitcoin-qt (as mentioned a few posts above)
I assume you already did
tar -xf bitcoin-core-
you don't have an old version installed on the RPi? If so, find it like this:
find /usr -name 'bitcoin'* (so that searches the /usr directory for all files starting "bitcoin", there's 3 or 4 all called e.g. bitcoin
d or bitcoin
If none are previously installed, just copy the files. tar has extracted a directory called "bitcoin-core-" for you, in that directory is a sub-dir called "bin" where the binaries are, that's all you want. so, somehting like
sudo cp -a ./bitcoin-core-* /usr/bin" will do the job.Then, you want the service file, which you can get from
https://github/bitcoin/bitcoin/contrib/init/bitcoind.service (this is the service file format for systemd, which Raspbian uses, other service managers are available...). Get that file onto your RPi, or if that's a pain in the ass, type it out real quick, it's incredibly short (use the "nano" command). Put it in the directory /etc/systemd/system/ using the "cp" command you used to copy the bitcoin executables to /usr/bin.
Change the bitcoind.service file so that the line saying "-datadir=" has the path of the .bitcoin directory on your external disk in place of /var/lib/bitcoin.
Then, do
sudo systemctl enable bitcoind, then
sudo systemctl start bitcoind, then
tail -f /PathToICYgReeNsExternalDisk/.bitcoin/debug.logthat last command will just let you watch the node catch up with blocks you're probably missing by now. Quit the scrolling output with Ctrl-C.
Now, if you want to add new options to Bitcoin that are part of startup (e.g. bigger dbcache would work for you with 4GB RAM), you can create the file "/etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf", and add any options you see from doing
bitcoind --help Just remove the "-" (i.e.
-dbache=1000 is correct on the cli, but wants to be
dbcache=1000 if you add it to the bitcoin.conf file). put one option per line in the bitcoin.conf file.
That's basically it.
Ok, after a couple hours I finally learned a bit and got somewhere but still stuck.
Learned how to copy/past with cp in terminal = success!
I couldn't find exactly the github file you posted a link to but I think this one is correct, ya? copied all 77 lines of the code exactly as it is, pasted in nano,saved it and called the file bitcoind.service Then put it in the directory /etc/systemd/system/
Had a tough time figuring out how to change permissions to write to this file outside of nano. Eventually learned how to do it with chmod -R ugo+rw
Not sure if that was correct but it now allows me to change the file and I've replaced /var/lib/bitcoin with the path to the folder containing bitcoin core files on my external HD.
Now I'm stuck at
sudo systemctl enable bitcoind
First try returned with bitcoind.service does not exist. Subsequent tries shows a login for pi and root with a password field. It does not show my login 'Icygreen' nor does the default password "raspberry" or my personal password work for pi or root. I get the same result with
sudo systemctl start bitcoind
I am logged in as Icygreen and pi user has been disabled with -l Not sure what the root password would be or if I'm even on the right track at this point.
Thanks for your previous helpful instructions. I can feel my brain stretching