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After our lights out day last week, Poloniex has granted me market maker status and for all maker orders our fee goes from .002% to now -.005%. Yes, that's a negative which means we get credit back!
- то есть Poloniex не только не берёт комиссию с LIQUID, но ещё и доплачивает за каждый ордер.
- на днях
BitScan.com опубликовал статью "
Solid returns with LIQUID Tech"
I initially got into BTC, like most, moved to LTC for a while and then settled on NXT. I found NXT more compelling than the other coins because of its proof of stake blockchain and burgeoning community. Once the asset exchange hit, it was a no brainer that NXT is top tier.
There are other arbitrage assets: what's different about Liquid?
I had two main goals in developing LIQUID. First, I felt NXT needed more liquidity especially in the secondary markets (ie. Bittrex, Poloniex). Since I really want NXT to be successful, adding liquidity is very important to its success. Second, is transparency. There are so many assets with little to no transparency, that it's no surprise a monthly scam is revealed. What really sets LIQUID apart from the rest is the real-time statistics pages that shows balance sheet, trades and profit summary. I want this to be successful and people to love it so much that it forces other assets to also reveal their financial health or if not, serve as a loud warning to other investors. The more scams we can get out of our community, the better chance of the success of NXT.