BTW some news about listed this coin in poloniex ?
Smooth indicated, on the main thread, that Poloniex could add AEON -- again -- after the Monero
rebase in the near future.
But it is not assured.
Personally, I am a "Smooth" supporter. American Pegasus too. But I'm a late comer.
Been trying so many cryptos, my head spins, without the alcohol.
After all my research -- in a layman's sort of way -- I wound up on the AEON bandwagon less than a year ago.
It isn't easy to use and I don't like that off-brand GUI, so I stick with a simplewallet setup.
I just have a gut feeling that AEON has serious potential. This is based upon all the reading of the Monero/AEON boards, listening to the meeting minutes etc., and watching things develop.
Off all the other cryptos, these two (AEON and Monero) are running public commentary, unlike Bitcoin and sons.
I realize all is not publicized.
Add to this, that these coins are far more secure than the run-of-the-mill crypto.
Are they perfect? No. But it's a step up. IMO.
Even things like Zcash bother me because the Dev's are public. How hard would it be to pressure them to crack open the safe, so to speak?
My hope is that this form of corruption will be reduced, if not eliminated in a
AEONic System.