http://i68.tinypic.com/33vixl3.jpghttp://pandacash.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/PANDA.pngPandaCash is a cutting edge cryptocurrency, with many features not available in most other cryptocurrencies.
Anonymized transactions using coin mixing technology, we call it Obfuscation.
Fast transactions featuring guaranteed zero confirmation transactions, we call it SwiftTX.
Decentralized blockchain voting providing for consensus based advancement of the current Masternode technology used to secure the network and provide the above features, each Masternode is secured with collateral of 200000 PANDA
PandaCash(PANDA)Algorithm: XEVAN
Block time: 60 seconds
Max block size: 7.5 MB
Difficulty adjustment: each block (Dark Gravity Wave v3)
PoW: ends on block 1200000
PoS: starting from block 1200001
Masternodes: 200000 PANDA collateral
Darksend: TX Obfuscation
InstantX: SwiftTX
RPC port: 31020
P2P port: 30020
Max Coin Supply: 2560000000
PoW Rewards Breakdown:
[block’s 1] (block’s 1-100000 10% Available to the budget system) 10000000 PANDA
[block’s 2-100000] 50% MN (450 PANDA) / 50% MINER (450 PANDA)
[block’s 100001-600000] 65% MN (650 PANDA) / 25% MINER (250 PANDA) / 10% Available to the budget system (100 PANDA)
[block’s 600001-1200000] 65% MN (520 PANDA) / 25% MINER (200 PANDA) / 10% Available to the budget system (80 PANDA)
PoS Rewards Breakdown:
PoS Phase 1: [blocks 1200001-1500000] 750 PANDA (90% distributed to staker and masternode - 10% available to budget system)
PoS Phase 2: [blocks 1500001-1800000] 700 PANDA (90% distributed to staker and masternode - 10% available to budget system)
PoS Phase 3: [blocks 1800001-2100000] 650 PANDA (90% distributed to staker and masternode - 10% available to budget system)
PoS Phase 4: [blocks 2100001-2400000] 600 PANDA (90% distributed to staker and masternode - 10% available to budget system)
PoS Phase 5: [blocks 2400001-2700000] 550 PANDA (90% distributed to staker and masternode - 10% available to budget system)
PoS Phase 6: [blocks 2700001-3000000] 500 PANDA (90% distributed to staker and masternode - 10% available to budget system)
PoS Phase 7: [blocks 3000001-3300000] 450 PANDA (90% distributed to staker and masternode - 10% available to budget system)
PoS Phase 8: [blocks 3300001-3600000] 400 PANDA (90% distributed to staker and masternode - 10% available to budget system)
PoS Phase 9: [blocks 3600001-3900000] 350 PANDA (90% distributed to staker and masternode - 10% available to budget system)
PoS Phase X: [blocks 3900001-Infinite] 300 PANDA (90% distributed to staker and masternode - 10% available to budget system)
WebSitehttp://pandacash.org/PandaCash White Paper Ver 0.1http://pandacash.org/2018/12/12/pandacashwhitepaperver/Wallet (Updated Version on 3rd Feb 2019)https://github.com/AtlantisL/PandaCash/releases/tag/v1.1.0.0pandacash-qt-
Source Codehttps://github.com/AtlantisL/PandaCashExplorerhttp://explorer.pandacash.org/Nodeaddnode=
Exchangehttps://exuex.mehttps://txbit.io/PoolPandaCash PoolExplorer:
https://poolexplorer.com/coin/6111http://www.0769.it:88/https://mecryptosolo.clubhttps://pool.miningpoolrw.dehttps://nosuchpool.cloudhttp://blockminer.mehttps://letsmine.ithttp://www.xuyongjia.comVideo of where, how and what to mine the Panda Cash (PANDA) coin on the Xevan algo (rus):
https://youtu.be/Q5bCyvuNj1cRewardPOOL 1-3 30000 PANDA
POOL 4-6 20000 PANDA
POOL 7-9 10000 PANDA
Translation 5000 PANDA
Media 1000-50000 PANDA
Exchange 1-3 200000 PANDA
Any way of help. 1000-50000 PANDA
More rewards are planned.
***Please don't post your coin address in the thread, please send the address thr' PM to me. Thank you
Our goal is Panda theme online store and blockchain game. Recruit developers and marketers to join us, please PM me, Thank you.
https://twitter.com/PandaCash3***Discord Channel:
https://weibo.com/PandaCash***Chinese User Support: QQ Group: 939168269
***Masternode Setup Guide at thread #15, click here→
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.48162864***Masternode Setup Guide (Chinese)
https://www.cybtc.com/thread-42315-1-1.html***If request PandaCash for build a masternode, please PM me.
***Donation (for exchange and marketing)
BTC Address:3NNHGLMCQE2b5rFpPwi1MCpc62Gkw38Rh8
PANDA Address:PVcWzGJdLeBvuHe5jwx8NdPQe9wX1oA3iw