Why did you pick Thailand mate?? I haven't really heard much about that country in the crypto sphere. I think it will be better to start off in one of the top crypto participating countries like Korea
Yeah.. I was thinking more like Europe or North America. Thailand isn't that popular in the crypto Space. I rarely hear about any project from Thailand too.
I am not even sure whether Thailand government is friendly for cryptos. Did somebody ask in telegram why they have chosen Thailand? I am very much interested in knowing this.
There was a mention of it I think by Roxanna from Aimedis; I think they were present in Thailand and there is also another video of them by BBC Bangkok. Also they had an event/meetup in Bangkok here is the one of the links: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bangkok-blockchain-meetup-by-aimedis-tickets-43828325702#
Okay, from these events it seems that Aimedis team is interested in Thailand, Bangkok. I think both options are good options.
I am sure they see a value in also starting from Thailand. I personally think it is a good idea since it will allow access to other nearby markets like Singapore.
I think nearly every country has a different healthcare system with other requirements or regulations. The Aimedis team have reasons to choose Thailand for the start.