I can't tune akbash, cgminer and BFLSingle SC 60 Gh/s device to work together.
akbash permanently restarts cgminer after "0x0fe4 SVR main(): unable to retrieve number of devices (GPU/PGA), waiting 60 seconds for miner to initialize..." message.
How many devices you have? Maybe it queries cgminer before it is done initializing.
Try to set
"miner-init-interval" : "60",
Also, could you post your akbash log file?
Please set
"wdog-log-level" : "3"
this will log DBG level diags.
I have only one BFLSingle SC 60 Gh/s device.
My akbash log file:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c SVR main(): ----------- Starting -------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c SVR main(): akbash watchdog ver. 1.0.11 (D:\__GPU_ProgramFiles\__Links\_Miner-1\akbash-asic_conf_files\akbash_cgminer-asic_miner-1__SHA256.conf) - copyright (c) 2012 by Peter Moss
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c SVR main(): akbash started at: 09/16/2013 16:16:20
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c SVR main(): akbash exe name: akbash-asic.exe
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): ---------------------------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): watchdog specific config entries:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): ---------------------------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-logFile: D:\__GPU_ProgramFiles\__Links\_Miner-1\akbash-asic_conf_files\Log\log.txt
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-log-file-size: 2097152 [bytes]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-log-level: 3
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-number-of-restarts: 100
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-alive-timeout: 120 [seconds]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-not-connected-timeout: 120 [seconds]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-listen-ip:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-rig-name: BTC ASIC Miner #1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-listen-port: 80
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-disable-remote-api: 0
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-disable-remote-help: 1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-disable-remote-restart: 1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-disable-remote-reboot: 1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-disable-remote-getlog: 1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-disable-remote-status: 0
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-disable-notification-emails: 1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-disable-status-notifications: 0
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-notifications-email-address:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-status-notification-frequency: 0 [minutes]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-cutoff-temperature: 86 [deg. C]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-cutoff-temperature-cooldown-period: 5 [minutes]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-disable-hw-monitoring: 1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-hw-monitoring-interval: 60 [seconds]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-gpu-utilization-threshold: 10 [%]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): wdog-gpu-utilization-timeout: 100 [seconds]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): ------------------------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner specific config entries:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): ------------------------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-exe-full-path: D:\__GPU_ProgramFiles\__Links\_Miner-1\cgminer-asic\cgminer-asic_miner-1__SHA256.lnk
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-exe-name: cgminer-nogpu.exe
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-init-interval: 60 [seconds]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-gpu-avg-rate-threshold: 0.00 [Mh/s]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-pga-avg-rate-threshold: 2900.00 [Mh/s]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-working-set-threshold: 904 [MB]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-handle-count-threshold: 15000 [open handles]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-api-poll-interval: 60 [seconds]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-hw-errors-threshold: 10000000 [h/w errors]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-listen-ip:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-listen-port: 4028
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-solo-mining: 0
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-notify-when-block-found: 1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): miner-target-difficulty-url: https://blockchain.info/q/getdifficulty
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): --------------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): pool config entries:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): --------------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): pool-disable-info: 1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): pool-refresh-interval: 0 [minutes]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): pool-api-url:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): pool-balance-label:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): pool-hash-rate-label:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): pool-valids-label:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): pool-stales-label:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): pool-invalids-label:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): parsed pool host:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): parsed pool port: 0
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): parsed pool uri:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): ------------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): BTC quote entries:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): ------------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): btc-disable-quotes: 1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): btc-refresh-interval: 0 [minutes]
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): btc-quote-url:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): btc-quote-last-label:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): btc-quote-ask-label:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): btc-quote-bid-label:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): -----------------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): Smart Metering entries:
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): -----------------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): smart-metering-disable: 1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): smart-metering-polling-interval: 0
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): smart-metering-on-peak-start-time: 00:00
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): smart-metering-off-peak-start-time: 00:00
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): smart-metering-on-peak-shutdown: 0
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): smart-metering-on-peak-disable-gpus: 0
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): ---------------------------------
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c SVR initSmtp(): sending of email notifications will be disabled. disableFlag: 1
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c DBG main(): re-setting miner status...
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c INF main(): checking if miner is running...
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c SVR getProcessInfo(): unable to find process: cgminer-nogpu.exe, processId: 0, werFault: 0
09/16/13 16:16:20 0x057c SVR main(): miner is not running...sleeping for 5 seconds and retrying...
09/16/13 16:16:25 0x057c SVR getProcessInfo(): unable to find process: cgminer-nogpu.exe, processId: 0, werFault: 0
09/16/13 16:16:25 0x057c SVR main(): miner is not running...restarting
09/16/13 16:16:25 0x057c SVR getProcessInfo(): unable to find process: cgminer-nogpu.exe, processId: 0, werFault: 0
09/16/13 16:16:25 0x057c SVR restartMiner(): sleeping for 15 seconds before restarting a new miner...
09/16/13 16:16:40 0x057c INF restartMiner(): ---------------------------------------------
09/16/13 16:16:40 0x057c INF restartMiner(): starting new instance...
09/16/13 16:16:40 0x057c INF restartMiner(): command line: start D:\__GPU_ProgramFiles\__Links\_Miner-1\cgminer-asic\cgminer-asic_miner-1__SHA256.lnk
09/16/13 16:16:40 0x057c SVR send_smtp_restarted_msg(): sending of email notifications is disabled.
09/16/13 16:16:40 0x057c INF restartMiner(): sleeping for 60 seconds...
09/16/13 16:17:40 0x057c INF restartMiner(): checking if miner is running...
09/16/13 16:17:40 0x057c INF restartMiner(): new minerprocess ID: 1888
09/16/13 16:17:40 0x057c SVR main(): waiting 60 seconds for miner to settle down...
09/16/13 16:18:40 0x057c INF main(): checking miner status...
09/16/13 16:18:40 0x057c DBG parseGPUSummary(): buf: {"STATUS":[{"STATUS":"S","When":1379337520,"Code":11,"Msg":"Summary","Description":"cgminer 3.4.3"}],"SUMMARY":[{"Elapsed":113,"MHS av":63609.14,"Found Blocks":0,"Getworks":17,"Accepted":52,"Rejected":0,"Hardware Errors":37,"Utility":27.67,"Discarded":10,"Stale":0,"Get Failures":0,"Local Work":1730,"Remote Failures":0,"Network Blocks":2,"Total MH":7172595.3843,"Work Utility":868.92,"Difficulty Accepted":1664.00000000,"Difficulty Rejected":0.00000000,"Difficulty Stale":0.00000000,"Best Share":6357,"Device Hardware%":2.2156,"Device Rejected%":0.0000,"Pool Rejected%":0.0000,"Pool Stale%":0.0000}],"id":1}
09/16/13 16:18:41 0x057c DBG fetchMinerInfo(): target difficulty: 112628548.666347 (112.63M)
09/16/13 16:18:41 0x057c SVR main(): unable to retrieve number of devices (GPU/PGA), waiting 60 seconds for miner to initialize...
09/16/13 16:19:41 0x057c DBG parseGPUSummary(): buf: {"STATUS":[{"STATUS":"S","When":1379337581,"Code":11,"Msg":"Summary","Description":"cgminer 3.4.3"}],"SUMMARY":[{"Elapsed":174,"MHS av":62537.44,"Found Blocks":0,"Getworks":19,"Accepted":78,"Rejected":0,"Hardware Errors":59,"Utility":26.83,"Discarded":14,"Stale":0,"Get Failures":0,"Local Work":2595,"Remote Failures":0,"Network Blocks":2,"Total MH":10909216.9318,"Work Utility":859.54,"Difficulty Accepted":2496.00000000,"Difficulty Rejected":0.00000000,"Difficulty Stale":0.00000000,"Best Share":12742,"Device Hardware%":2.3065,"Device Rejected%":0.0000,"Pool Rejected%":0.0000,"Pool Stale%":0.0000}],"id":1}
09/16/13 16:19:41 0x057c DBG fetchMinerInfo(): target difficulty: 112628548.666347 (112.63M)
09/16/13 16:19:41 0x057c SVR main(): unable to retrieve number of devices (GPU/PGA), attempting to restart miner...
09/16/13 16:19:41 0x057c SVR restartMiner(): killing miner process: 1888
09/16/13 16:19:41 0x057c SVR killProcessByID(1888): process handle: 480, TeminateProcess() returned rc: 1
09/16/13 16:19:41 0x057c SVR restartMiner(): sleeping for 15 seconds before restarting a new miner...
09/16/13 16:19:56 0x057c INF restartMiner(): ---------------------------------------------
09/16/13 16:19:56 0x057c INF restartMiner(): old process ID: 1888
09/16/13 16:19:56 0x057c INF restartMiner(): process name: cgminer-nogpu.exe
09/16/13 16:19:56 0x057c INF restartMiner(): starting new instance...
09/16/13 16:19:56 0x057c INF restartMiner(): command line: start D:\__GPU_ProgramFiles\__Links\_Miner-1\cgminer-asic\cgminer-asic_miner-1__SHA256.lnk
09/16/13 16:19:56 0x057c SVR send_smtp_restarted_msg(): sending of email notifications is disabled.
09/16/13 16:19:56 0x057c INF restartMiner(): sleeping for 60 seconds...
09/16/13 16:20:56 0x057c INF restartMiner(): checking if miner is running...
09/16/13 16:20:56 0x057c INF restartMiner(): new minerprocess ID: 2956
09/16/13 16:20:56 0x057c SVR main(): waiting 60 seconds for miner to settle down...
09/16/13 16:21:56 0x057c DBG parseGPUSummary(): buf: {"STATUS":[{"STATUS":"S","When":1379337716,"Code":11,"Msg":"Summary","Description":"cgminer 3.4.3"}],"SUMMARY":[{"Elapsed":113,"MHS av":59977.37,"Found Blocks":0,"Getworks":16,"Accepted":43,"Rejected":1,"Hardware Errors":47,"Utility":22.80,"Discarded":9,"Stale":0,"Get Failures":0,"Local Work":1634,"Remote Failures":0,"Network Blocks":2,"Total MH":6786048.3277,"Work Utility":823.03,"Difficulty Accepted":1376.00000000,"Difficulty Rejected":32.00000000,"Difficulty Stale":0.00000000,"Best Share":722,"Device Hardware%":2.9393,"Device Rejected%":2.0619,"Pool Rejected%":2.2727,"Pool Stale%":0.0000}],"id":1}
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG fetchMinerInfo(): target difficulty: 112628548.666347 (112.63M)
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c SVR main(): no GPUs used by the miner, GPU H/W monitoring will be disabled...
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): status: NOT CONNECTED, gpus: 0, pgas: 0, a: 43, gw: 16, avg: 59977.37, hw: 47, since: 09/16/2013 16:20:03, u: 22.80, ver: 3.4.3, days: 0, hrs: 0, min: 1, secs: 53, found blocks: 0
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 0, url: stratum+tcp://eu-stratum.btcguild.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 1, url: stratum+tcp://stratum.btcguild.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 2, url: stratum+tcp://mint.bitminter.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 3, url: stratum+tcp://stratum2.bitparking.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 4, url: stratum+tcp://mmpool.bitparking.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 5, url: stratum+tcp://pool.50btc.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 6, url: stratum+tcp:// status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 7, url: stratum+tcp://eustratum.ozco.in:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 8, url: stratum+tcp://stratum.bitcoin.cz:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 9, url: stratum+tcp://pool1.us.multipool.us:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c SVR main(): monitor thread created, handle: 644, threadId: 0x0a04
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c SVR main(): miner api thread created, handle: 844, threadId: 0x0fcc
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x057c SVR main(): listen thread created, handle: 824, threadId: 0x0630
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x0fcc SVR minerApiThread(): will poll miner ( status every 60 seconds
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x0630 INF listenForCommands(): listening on
09/16/13 16:21:57 0x0a04 INF monitorThread(): wdog is entering state: NOT RUNNNING -> NOT CONNECTED
09/16/13 16:22:57 0x0fcc DBG minerApiThread(): woke up; checking miner status...
09/16/13 16:22:57 0x0fcc DBG parseGPUSummary(): buf: {"STATUS":[{"STATUS":"S","When":1379337777,"Code":11,"Msg":"Summary","Description":"cgminer 3.4.3"}],"SUMMARY":[{"Elapsed":175,"MHS av":60143.63,"Found Blocks":0,"Getworks":20,"Accepted":73,"Rejected":3,"Hardware Errors":72,"Utility":25.03,"Discarded":15,"Stale":0,"Get Failures":0,"Local Work":2511,"Remote Failures":0,"Network Blocks":3,"Total MH":10522669.8752,"Work Utility":826.48,"Difficulty Accepted":2336.00000000,"Difficulty Rejected":96.00000000,"Difficulty Stale":0.00000000,"Best Share":2703,"Device Hardware%":2.9009,"Device Rejected%":3.9834,"Pool Rejected%":3.9474,"Pool Stale%":0.0000}],"id":1}
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG fetchMinerInfo(): target difficulty: 112628548.666347 (112.63M)
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): status: NOT CONNECTED, gpus: 0, pgas: 0, a: 73, gw: 20, avg: 60143.63, hw: 72, since: 09/16/2013 16:20:02, u: 25.03, ver: 3.4.3, days: 0, hrs: 0, min: 2, secs: 55, found blocks: 0
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 0, url: stratum+tcp://eu-stratum.btcguild.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 1, url: stratum+tcp://stratum.btcguild.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 2, url: stratum+tcp://mint.bitminter.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 3, url: stratum+tcp://stratum2.bitparking.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 4, url: stratum+tcp://mmpool.bitparking.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 5, url: stratum+tcp://pool.50btc.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 6, url: stratum+tcp:// status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 7, url: stratum+tcp://eustratum.ozco.in:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 8, url: stratum+tcp://stratum.bitcoin.cz:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:22:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 9, url: stratum+tcp://pool1.us.multipool.us:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG minerApiThread(): woke up; checking miner status...
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG parseGPUSummary(): buf: {"STATUS":[{"STATUS":"S","When":1379337838,"Code":11,"Msg":"Summary","Description":"cgminer 3.4.3"}],"SUMMARY":[{"Elapsed":237,"MHS av":60083.68,"Found Blocks":0,"Getworks":22,"Accepted":104,"Rejected":3,"Hardware Errors":100,"Utility":26.36,"Discarded":19,"Stale":0,"Get Failures":0,"Local Work":3386,"Remote Failures":0,"Network Blocks":3,"Total MH":14220636.7171,"Work Utility":832.51,"Difficulty Accepted":3328.00000000,"Difficulty Rejected":96.00000000,"Difficulty Stale":0.00000000,"Best Share":2703,"Device Hardware%":2.9551,"Device Rejected%":2.9233,"Pool Rejected%":2.8037,"Pool Stale%":0.0000}],"id":1}
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG fetchMinerInfo(): target difficulty: 112628548.666347 (112.63M)
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): status: NOT CONNECTED, gpus: 0, pgas: 0, a: 104, gw: 22, avg: 60083.68, hw: 100, since: 09/16/2013 16:20:01, u: 26.36, ver: 3.4.3, days: 0, hrs: 0, min: 3, secs: 57, found blocks: 0
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 0, url: stratum+tcp://eu-stratum.btcguild.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 1, url: stratum+tcp://stratum.btcguild.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 2, url: stratum+tcp://mint.bitminter.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 3, url: stratum+tcp://stratum2.bitparking.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 4, url: stratum+tcp://mmpool.bitparking.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 5, url: stratum+tcp://pool.50btc.com:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 6, url: stratum+tcp:// status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 7, url: stratum+tcp://eustratum.ozco.in:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 8, url: stratum+tcp://stratum.bitcoin.cz:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:23:58 0x0fcc DBG displayMinerInfoObject(): pool 9, url: stratum+tcp://pool1.us.multipool.us:3333 status: ALIVE
09/16/13 16:24:27 0x0a04 SVR monitorThread(): wdog has been in NOT CONNECTED state for longer than 2 minutes, restarting miner...timePeriod: 150.000000
09/16/13 16:24:27 0x0a04 SVR restartMiner(): killing miner process: 2956
09/16/13 16:24:27 0x0a04 SVR killProcessByID(2956): process handle: 808, TeminateProcess() returned rc: 1
09/16/13 16:24:27 0x0a04 SVR restartMiner(): sleeping for 15 seconds before restarting a new miner...
09/16/13 16:24:42 0x0a04 INF restartMiner(): ---------------------------------------------
09/16/13 16:24:42 0x0a04 INF restartMiner(): old process ID: 2956
09/16/13 16:24:42 0x0a04 INF restartMiner(): process name: cgminer-nogpu.exe
09/16/13 16:24:42 0x0a04 INF restartMiner(): starting new instance...
09/16/13 16:24:42 0x0a04 INF restartMiner(): command line: start D:\__GPU_ProgramFiles\__Links\_Miner-1\cgminer-asic\cgminer-asic_miner-1__SHA256.lnk
09/16/13 16:24:42 0x0a04 SVR send_smtp_restarted_msg(): sending of email notifications is disabled.
09/16/13 16:24:42 0x0a04 INF restartMiner(): sleeping for 60 seconds...
09/16/13 16:24:53 0x0b3c SVR received 2 signal, exiting...
09/16/13 16:24:53 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): set shutdown event semaphore...
09/16/13 16:24:53 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): waiting for miner api thread to finish...
09/16/13 16:24:53 0x0fcc SVR minerApiThread(): exiting thread: 0x0fcc
09/16/13 16:24:53 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): monitor api thread is no longer running.
09/16/13 16:24:53 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): waiting for miner monitor thread to finish...
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0630 SVR listenForCommands(): exiting thread: 0x0630
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0a04 INF restartMiner(): checking if miner is running...
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0a04 INF restartMiner(): new minerprocess ID: 3760
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0a04 SVR monitorThread(): exiting thread: 0x0a04
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): monitor thread is no longer running.
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): waiting for API listen thread to finish...
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): api listen thread is no longer running.
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): closing hCgmShutdown handle...
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): closing btcMtx handle...
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): closing ltcMtx handle...
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): closing poolMtx handle...
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): closing gpuMtx handle...
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0b3c SVR signalShutdown(): closing adlMtx handle...
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0b3c SVR main(): cleaning up Winsockets...
09/16/13 16:24:57 0x0b3c SVR main(): ----------- Exiting -------------