- Next payout I will be subtracting ฿.1 ($50)/miner in fees to address the overpay in fees from this week. This means your next dividend payout will have the BTC that was missed on the first round.
- I was mistaken about .31 KwH, it's actually .30 KwH. http://imgur.com/dcGywPf
- I was also mistaken about 2900W, it's closer to ~2800W w fluctuation spikes up to 2900W. http://imgur.com/H0B6sld and http://youtu.be/uvVCISb9N14
*Note I'm only measuring half the power consumption with the meter.
- .30c @ 24/7 still, has about $300 in fees per bi-weekly payout per miner. That is literally what it costs to run the machine.. not including cooling and maintenance.
I know that is not ideal, obviously. We're hashing at 25% less than what we should be and using a crazy amount of power. All we can do at this point is wait for firmwares from Cointerra.
from my previous experience with server PSUs , they have something called PMU , which is abbreviated for Power Management Unit .
PSUs can work in active-active/active-passive , they can work in 20% - 90% capacity and so on.
so measuring one PSU and assuming that it consumes twice the amount can be wrong .
and the reason to do so is that , usually PSUs yield better efficiency in loads greater than 70%.