Just a few general questions here:
First, should we not all first and foremost agree that capturing this guy is good news?
That does not mean we can't note the timing or the subsequent bullshit from Obama water carriers.
Second, trial and conviction is perfect. We have over 200 such terrorist convictions under US law. Seven under military tribunal.
I have no comment on that other than to say reasonable people disagree on the best way to deal with captured terrorists. But certainly I want him tried, convicted, and executed.
Third, those citing the NY Times investigation are exactly the same people for denounced the NY Times investigation for the conclusions it did make. And now they are here to cite the Times for what it did not conclude. Now that is funny.
Utterly false. There are those who believe only what Obama water carriers tells them to believe, and then there are those who can actually think critically.
Fourth, if the guy who led the terrorist attack claims it all started with a protest against the movie, who here thinks they know more than he did about that night?
Who cares about "if" other than Bots? Do facts not matter, Phud? The point is there is no verifiable evidence he did. But there is verifiable evidence there was no reports from those on the ground that night regarding a spontaneous protest or a video.
Fifth, if it all did begin as a protest against the movie, so what? The first Intel reports given by Rice suggested that and that is good, it means they were right and the movie was a factor.
Uh, the point is that it did not begin that way and regardless what was given to Rice, the initial reports did not include the meme. Again, do facts not matter, Phud?
Sixth, there appears to be no al Qaeda connection here, offsetting a right wing claim that the intent was to coverup Al Qadea's continued existance.
The Senate Intelligence Committee has now released its declassified review of the intelligence surrounding the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. The bottom line is this: Multiple parts of al Qaeda’s international terrorist network were involved.
Members of both Ansar al Sharia in Derna and Benghazi took part in the attack, according to the U.S. State Department. Some have tried to distance Ansar al Sharia in Libya from al Qaeda’s network, despite the fact that Ansar al Sharia in both Yemen and Tunisia are officially recognized by the U.S. government as being tied to al Qaeda. Ansar al Sharia in Yemen is, in fact, an obvious rebranding of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
See here:
http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/al-qaeda-network-attacked-benghazi_774703.htmlNow if what the guy said is confirmed, then everything the administraiton said is absolutely true, largely the NY Times conclusion of their investigation.
Uh, no. Nice try. The administration has already confirmed their meme was, at the very least, not correct. I know you want to pretend they weren't trying to sell it as a SPONTANEOUS protest, but it is a FACT that they did and a FACT that was totally false and that they knew it in real time.
So what? Good news, your government got it right.
Their incompetence created an ungovernable terrorist hidey hole in Benghazi, got four Americans killed on 9/11's anniversary, and then after a blatant coverup and continued stonewalling, they finally picked up the guy who has been walking around in the open since it happened. This following the much touted release of 5 major Gitmo terrorists and the very quiet release of 12 more the same week from the military prison near Kabul.