Encryption works fine until you unlock it... My LUKS encryption and 19 alphanumeric password is real kick ass, until I log into Ubuntu and it never asks for it again. Ask Ross Ulbricht how useful encryption is after you unlock it lol.
So I should keep my wallet locked then?
Forgive my ignorance, but can someone explain what it means to lock vs. unlock a wallet (or post a link)? I have Googled it but for the life of me I can't figure out what it means to "unlock" your wallet.
Regarding the encryption, so everything is working as it should be? Then why was I able to send coins earlier today and the wallet never asked for my password?
Think you need to encrypt your wallet with a password in order to lock it.
I have my wallet encrypted with a password, but today I was able to successfully send Ambercoins and the wallet never asked for my password.
I am extremely confused about what exactly it means to have your wallet "locked" vs. "unlocked" and that is what I am asking about.
Also I am wondering if the fact that I was able to send coins earlier today without inputting my password means that there is something wrong with the Ambercoin wallet, or perhaps it just means I am a noob that doesn't know what the hell I am doing!?
Thank you.
There are 3 states of the wallet when it is encrypted with a password:
1. Locked (No staking, To send coins or make a new address you need to enter a password)
2. Unlocked (Staking works, you can send coins or make a new address without password)
3. Unlocked just for staking (Staking works, to send coins or make a new address you need to enter a password)
AmberCoin wallet works like that.
What OS do you use?