
Topic: [ANN] 404 Coin - 404% APR Traditional Proof Of Stake (POS) Crypto Currency Coin (Read 3903 times)

Activity: 77
Merit: 501
Michnkeks has gone rogue so please use the new updated links in original thread. There is a new discord and twitter. Crex24 has already been informed.

Things are operating as normal.
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
Use 100 coin discord for jmc discord

New windows wallet link is at

Source code was deleted by the my now I guess ex dev.

I will fix the 404 coin website and explorer at another time.
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
the btcpop faucet is based on i think 1-2% with draw fee they collect which is 100% or nearly 100% redirected to funding faucet.
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
you'll have to check with 4stake, they've been slow for a while.

as for, i haven't heard a response yet from the server techs but there's something very wrong with it but they will respond
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
Good news, the new 404 coin wallet is working and we're finalizing the bug testing. Once that's done I will contact crex to start the swap process. The swap period I think will last around 2-3 weeks. Should be good enough.

We'll be attempting to destroy most of the supply so we can have a few more years of high apr and prices. The specs so far are:

Initial starting new 404 coin supply: 404,000 coins
Swap ratio (tentative) is based on current supply of old 404 coin / 404,000 new 404 coins, which is currently 23,000 to 1. We'll likely make it around 30,000 to 1 since old 404 coin is inflating quite a lot.

Crex will handle all the swapping and we'll contact other exchanges/pools to do swaps on your behalf in case you can't use crex and those exchanges/pools will send the coins to crex and credit it back to you, hopefully. I'm thinking btcpop will be central to helping with the swaps but we'll see. Crex will be told to burn any unused new 404coins after the 2-3 week swap period is over and we'll post the burn address when wallet testing is done.

min stake age 24 hours
max stake age determined by current difficulty
Block spacing time 3 minutes
confirmations before you can spend newly minted coins 30 confirms

APR 404%
max supply infinite of course
new 404coin addresses now start with 4
Code is now 2018/2019 updated using nova / peercoin and tulip code

We'll be keeping all the urls hopefully since we still want to keep the logo and brand. I'll update and sticky this to front page once I work out with crex how to do the swap since they normally swap an old coin for a new coin with different names. It should not be a problem, however.
Activity: 77
Merit: 501 just announced that you can now mine crypto currency through its browser and take your payout in 404coin and 2x2 coin. Check it out!
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
Ore coin games now accepts 404 coin!

We will be working on more use cases unlike most other alt coin projects to increase the value of 404. Also be on look out for our next crypto currency it will be out within 2 months or so.
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
Happy news, 404 coin is now ADDED to staking pool. Enjoy your new pool folks! JMC Coin will be added very soon to there as well.
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
Due to liquidity and high price of bitcoin, crex should lower price of jmc/btc market pair to 3 sub sats. We need 65% vote YES to pass. We have 1 week to get yes to 65%
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
I wished they want 5-7 bitcoin for it. So for now, no.

Also, General warning, do not use, it appears to be going scam exchange and not giving out withdrawals but are taking deposits.

will you be listing on coinexchange ?
Activity: 77
Merit: 501's twitter account is following me back. Once I get the cam site up and running jmc and 404 coin will be going places. Let's not disappoint shapeshift! Source link is at
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
Btcpop will be listing JMC coin within 24 hours and STAKING POOL WILL BE LIVE at that time. Very good times!

The success of 404 coin's low supply and higher price seems definitely due to staking pool since it's the one variable missing between 404 and jmc coin. Makes sense since if you have 100 jmc's, you can't mint so you don't bother with it but with 100 404 coins, you can mint if you put it into a staking pool. Encourages buy and sells for all.

I remember when 808 coin went toxic on btcpop, and even listed them for free (now btcpop charges, which is smart and weeds out trash coins with bad people) and I kept thinking how dumb you have to be to attack your partners helping you get rich.

JMC and 404 coin will NOT and NEVER make that mistake. There's plenty of money for all. No need to be egotistical. To the moon!

We'll have btcpop and staking pool up shortly. We're having some technical issues but it's being resolved.

BTCPOP has been updated and fixed, i've also funded the faucet so we should be good. because the wallet just came online, staking stats won't appear until at least 8 days from now and enter the system. Make sure to start with multiple small deposits to not destroy coin age at 1st
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
Junson Chan - Bitcoin Clown World #31 - Learning Steem Crypto Currency And

JMC and 404 coin are now listed on coinpaprika and
Activity: 77
Merit: 501
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Activity: 77
Merit: 501
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Activity: 77
Merit: 501
Junson Chan - Bitcoin Clown World Series #28 - Bull And Bear Market Lag Analysis Of JMC 404 Coin
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