We will try to get the updated client out tomorrow; keep in mind, however, that the fork will not actually occur until block 68,888. Also, just to clarify, this will have no effect on the total number of coins or how soon we get there. We have received more than one enquiry on the topic and wanted to ensure this point is clear. The only change to the distribution is that the remainder of the bonus blocks period will be modified to a static 188 coins/block with no bonus blocks - this averages out to be the same number of coins and is just a slightly different method of distribution. Every consistent miner will be rewarded by this change and the only miners that will be negatively affected are the coin-jumpers that are exploiting the bonus blocks. We apologize for not noticing and addressing this "exploit" sooner but, as they say, better late than never. We can take solace in the fact that the majority of miners exploiting the 888 bonus blocks are likely dumping their coins as the blocks mature meaning they are selling well below even the short-term value projections.