I guess there always has to be one idiot that will stand by Hitlers side and worship him until the very end. If you can't tell, the new website is just a front to hide any of Accelerators history from investigating parties. Which is why they deleted the 'new' telegram group and Twitter. They also wanted to lose the old Telegram group but failed at doing so, which from I can tell people can still join from a direct invite but the link seems to the group seems to be broken. The group is still very active and talking mad shit on this scammy ass dev.
I remember seeing your login name in the telegram chat, you've been riding the devs jock since I can remember so I really don't see you changing your mind anytime soon. Keep buying your shit coins and telling yourself you got the great deal you think you have. Once dev feels clear of any SEC blowback or IRS inquires, i'm sure the website will come down too.
Nobody is going to pay to join some random ass firewall that isn't even trying to market itself let alone has any social media presence. Anyone with half a brain will do a little research and discover they can't understand WTF the point of the website is or the product they are trying to push. It's a total smoke screen to keep people like you believin' while the dev gets as far away from it as possible.
There won't be a soul on the planet Earth that will touch this projects firewall once they smell the lingering possibility that this is a complete and utter sham. Not sure where you think your valuation of your ACC bag is but there is no way on earth it is going up in price, ever.
Turned out to be a shitDev.
Im shocked actually... he didn't seem the type.
And if he just kept it up as a on-hold mining operation... the next bull would have made millions anyway!
Well, live and learn.
I don't know what you idiots are talking about. The Website is still functional.
https://accelerator.network/The general public can still purchase a Firewall Whitelisted Bitcoin Lightning Node. I guess you people are either morons or just spreading fud in order to purchase more ACC at cheaper prices. At any event, thanks to you shit heads that panic sold, I now have over $8K ACC for a total cost of a little over $1500. That's around 55 ACC that I earn from staking my holding every 3 days.
I'm glad that the dev deleted the telegram channel and other social media accounts. The people that frequented it were toxic. We are better off with no social media presence. Furthermore, some traces of the old business model of ACC is wiped out by deleting the social media accounts.
Our mission is very straightforward. The price of a whitelisted Bitcoin Lightning Network Node = (the spot price of ACC on CMC * 1000) + (0.20*(the spot price of ACC on CMC * 1000)). Each time a Node is purchased, 1000 ACC is automatically purchased from the market and then burnt.
There really is no need for a social media presence.